List of IOC country codesSummer Olympics
currenciesAn array ofISO 4217 currency codeswith the primary one first languagesAn array ofISO 639-2codes for languages (may not be complete). countryCallingCodesAn array of the international call prefixes for this country. iocTheInternational Olympic Committee country code ...
pwnwiki/ - PwnWiki - The notes section of the pentesters mind. davidteather/everything-web-scraping - Learn everything web scraping with David Teather Codes on YouTube nadvornix/calculus-made-easy - HTML conversion of a great beginner calculus book goose3/goose3 - A Python...
Curated list of awesome free (mostly open source) forensic analysis tools and resources.Awesome Forensics Collections Tools Distributions Frameworks Live Forensics IOC Scanner Acquisition Imaging Carving Memory Forensics Network Forensics Windows Artifacts NTFS/MFT Processing OS X Forensics Mobile Forensics...
cowsay - A program that generates a ASCII art of a cow with a bubble containing the specified message (I provide the Wikipedia link since at the moment the link to the author's homepage results to be unreachable). cowthink - Same as cowsay, but uses a "think" bubble instead of a spee...
Normalize Country - Convert country names and codes to a standard. Output as Format - Output stdin as GitHub/Slack/Jira etc... formatted code, lists, or quotes. pup - Parsing HTML at the command line. rare - Realtime regex-extraction and aggregation into common formats such as histograms,...
FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories - A database of PHP security advisories rinvex/countries - Rinvex Country is a simple and lightweight package for retrieving country details with flexibility. A whole bunch of data including name, demonym, capital, iso codes, dialling codes, geo data, currencies,...
cowsay - A program that generates a ASCII art of a cow with a bubble containing the specified message (I provide the Wikipedia link since at the moment the link to the author's homepage results to be unreachable). cowthink - Same as cowsay, but uses a "think" bubble instead of a spee...