Bentley Professor of Political Science and co-director of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis at Indiana University, as well as research professor and the founding director of the Center for the Study of Institutional Diversity at Arizona State University in Tempe. She was a lead...
One Member reminded the Executive Committee that institutional strengthening was not one of the items onthelist ofeligible incremental costs and was therefore part of a special deal between Article 5 and non-Article 5 Parties and that the future of institutional strengthening would[...] ...
The data consists of transplant records since October 1, 1987 until March 2, 2020. Information about requesting the data can be found at This study was granted exemption status by the Georgia Tech Institutional Review Board. To prepare...
The working group will include: (1) an Advisory Group with seven participants; (2) a Delphi Panel with 21–29 participants; (3) an Evidence Review Team with eight participants; and (4) a Coordination Team with two participants. When determining the number of members in each group, we ...
In Week Two, you'll continue to learn about the preparations and qualification criteria required for an Investigator and their site to participate in a Clinical Trial. Topics include essential documents, the role of the Institutional Review Board / Independent Ethics Committee (IRB / IEC), and so...
The requestmustincludealistoftheNGO’s individual and/or institutional members, its most recent activities report, and a summary of cooperation with UNESCOintheprevious two years. 随申请应附上该非政府组织的成员(个人和(或)机构)名单、最近的活 动报告和近两年与...
Institutional repository and digital library management software. DSpace - Turnkey repository application providing durable access to digital resources. (Source Code) BSD-3-Clause Java EPrints - Digital document management system with a flexible metadata and workflow model primarily aimed at academic insti...
The Stanford Institutional Review Board approved this project (protocol #43639) in adherence with the Declaration of Helsinki. The clinical and research activities being reported are consistent with the Principles of the Declaration of Istanbul as outlined in the “Declaration of Istanbul on Organ ...
As for future sessions, Board Members are requested to submit agendaitems,withanattachedexplanatory note, at least 40 days prior to the openingofasession. 对今后的届会,要求执行局委员在递交议程项目时附上一份解释性说明,并至少应在 届会开幕前40 天提交。
It was noted that whilebothmattersbelong to the larger familyofmineaction, mine clearance and victim assistance have different timelines, involve distinct national and international actors and relate to different national institutional and regulatory frameworks and budget lines. ...