ListTile是Flutter给我们准备好的widget提供非常常见的构造和定义方式,包括文字,icon,点击事件,一般是能够满足基本需求,但是就不能自己定义了 ListTile 属性 this.leading, // item 前置图标 this.title, // item 标题 this.subtitle, // item 副标题 this.trailing, // item 后置图标 this.isThreeLine = false,...
Flutter Version:3.16.4 系统:macOS Sonoma-Apple M1芯片 Android Studio: 17.0.7 通过flutter create jimmy_list_tile创建测试项目。 讲解 我们先简单写一个例子,如下👇 body: Center( child: Center( child: Container( color: Colors.grey, child: ListTile( leading: const Icon(Icons.person), title: cons...
Spotube - Spotube is a Flutter based lightweight spotify client. It utilizes the power of Spotify & Youtube's public API & creates a hazardless, performant & resource friendly User Experience. Strawberry - Strawberry is a fork of Clementine aimed at music collectors and audiophiles. It's wri...
8 Best-Flutter-UI-Templates 19888 4460 Dart 7 completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart. 2024-06-07T07:04:37Z 9 plugins 17389 9844 Dart 0 Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team 2023-02-22T19:12:53Z 10 samples 16787 7440 Dart 41 A collection of Flutter example...
1 ExpansionPanel 收缩面板。它有一个标题和一个正文,可以展开或折叠。面板的正文主体仅在展开时可见。...
Flutter Catalog [599⭐] - An app showcasing Flutter components, with side-by-side source code view, by X-Wei. UI Contact Picker [38⭐] - Picking contact from the address book by Michael Goderbauer. StaggeredGridView [847⭐] - GridView with tiles of variable sizes by Romain Rastel. ...
lsd - An ls with a lot of pretty colors and awesome icons Luminarys/synapse - Flexible and fast BitTorrent daemon. m4b/bingrep - Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures, and colors them. mdgaziur/findex - Findex is a highly customizable application finder using GTK3 mit...
lsd - An ls with a lot of pretty colors and awesome icons Luminarys/synapse - Flexible and fast BitTorrent daemon. m4b/bingrep - Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures, and colors them. mdgaziur/findex - Findex is a highly customizable application finder using GTK3 mit...
Table of contents What we will learn: What is Flutter? What is ListView? Scaffolding a Flutter project Icons in ListView Images in ListView Cards in ListView Adding line separators Styling ListView Touch events and dynamic adding in ListView Conclusion References Introducing Galileo AI LogRocket’...
My favorite testing approach in Flutter Robert Brunhage• Video Sat, November 23rd 2024 How golden testing saved me hours of headache Best Flutter course pre-sale deal: Exclusive Insight...