His debut as a filmmaker came with Shelter, a film that delves into the lives of two homeless individuals in New York City. This film not only highlighted his storytelling capabilities but also his commitment to shedding light on pressing social issues. Married to fellow actor Jennifer Connelly...
In the shadows of what were once the tallest stone-carved sculptures in the world, the Buddhas of Bamiyan, more than 200 homeless Afghans seek shelter from the harsh elements. They include Mir, a bright-eyed 8-year-old boy who, despite the lack of basic necessities, constant fear of ...
Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness – Hartford, CT Connecticut Food Bank – New Haven, CT Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) - NYC Domestic Violence Crisis Center – Norwalk, CT Domestic Violence Services of Greater New Haven – CT Exchange Club Parenting Skills Center – Stamford, CT Fai...
This site is Great, but you’ve left out Hunting. White people, and by no means all of the, but ALOT of them want to get in touch with nature, and live off the land. Alot of camping going on, and alot or fishing. Alot of ‘Extreme Sports’ somehow football isn’t extreme enough?
Laws, Charities, & Government Policy (2018)“In Belarus, you cannot sentence a woman to death — this is the law. But it is women who suffer most from death sentences.”(Original) (2020) Men were explicitly denied care by the controversial NHS ‘Covid Support’ scheme during the Pandemic...
Your gently used or new items have the ability to turn a house into a home, provide a homeless family with hope and bring a smile to the face of a neglected high school youth. At NCCF, you can be confident that you clothing, furniture and household goods are making a difference. ...
36. Charity Drives. Get involved in charity drives. Collect broken and old toys, wash them, fix them where you can, and donate them to local child shelters. Repair old clothes for the homeless, or travel with a couple of personal care packages in your car to give to homeless people to...
Chicago During my stay in Chicago for my solo exhibition at The Chicago Truborn Gallery, I painted this mural commissioned by the gallery. Posted 2024/03/26
Glass Door Homeless Charity Hubbub Foundation UK IntoUniversity Just for Kids Law Sarcoma UK The Bread and Butter Thing The ClementJames Centre Trees for Cities Walking with the Wounded Charity of the Year: with an income of more than £10 million ...
with the firm raising vital funds for homelessness charities, children’s charities, cancer research, disaster relief and the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Achieving ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications has concentrated Whitco’s corporate mind, leading it to set meaningful policies around quali...