Some of these celebs, like Matt Damon, even star in the best movies about geniuses. A number of famous actors are members of the "high IQ society" Mensa - or, at least, a number of online sources say they are. Those people are included here, as are businessmen, musicians, and ...
In 2002, Loftus was ranked 58th in the Review of General Psychology's list of the 100 most influential psychological researchers of the 20th century, and was the highest ranked woman on the list. Birthplace: Los Angeles, California Dorothy Rowe Age: 94 Dr. Dorothy Rowe is an Australian ...
With over 850,000 building polygons from six different types of natural disaster around the world, covering a total area of over 45,000 square kilometers, the xBD dataset is one of the largest and highest quality public datasets of annotated high-resolution satellite imagery. Non-commercial ...
Euler and Aristotle). The precocious John Stuart Mill, Thomas Young (1773-1829) `the Last Man who knew Everything', and Empedocles of Acragas are some top geniuses who didn't specialize in math, Wittgenstein is sometimes shown with the highest IQ ever but is missing from my list since hi...
The FaceUp Platform is a fully-featured, report management and engagement tool. With customizable reporting forms, and the absolute highest level of data protection and anonymity - speaking up never felt better! The platform is GDPR compliant, ISO 27001 certified, and offers E2E encryption and 2FA...
Chapter 1488 Visual baptism Chapter 1487 Gravity Chapter 1486 Eyes tacit Chapter 1485 Finally arrived Chapter 1484 Aloof Chapter 1483 2 parties Chapter 1482 Memory pieces Chapter 1481 Childhood memories Chapter 1480 Warm welcome Chapter 1479 Highest specification Chapter 1478 Shuicheng late summer Chapter ...
The Net Worths of 280+ Personal Finance Bloggers In order of highest to lowest (foreign currencies converted to U.S. dollars): No Nonsense Landlord @$4,156,344 Founder Finances @ $3,399,120 Southern Fried Finance @$3,432,090 The Money Commando @$3,359,647 ...
~ The new book has been published, "Earth People are Too Fierce", please support Chapter 3521 The Enemy of Iron Fist (Eight-Eight) Voyage (End) Chapter 3520 Enemy of Iron Fist (87) strikes Chapter 3519 Enemy of Iron Fist (86) Fire Pit Chapter 3518 The Enemy of Iron Fist (Eighty-Fiv...
An SEO audit tool that offers an easy-to-understand and comprehensive set of SEO tools to help you understand your website from a search engine’s perspective. 20. Yoast SEO Plugin Yoast SEO is a well-known WordPress plugin that makes it easy for your site to meet the highest technical ...
"Highest score yet!" - New high score "The best in the biz!" - Scoring above Mission requirement "I'm impressed!" - Scoring at least 2/3 of Mission requirement "We showed 'em!" - Story complete "Way to go!" - Outro "Hit the brakes!" - Quit "Hey!" - Cruise Controls instructio...