Purine metabolism, breakdown of purine molecules, in the liver, produces uric acid. Uric acid is anantioxidantand has beneficial effects, such as as a free-radical scavenger. When it accumulates to a high level in the blood, hyperuricemia, however, it can cause gout, and other health problems...
食物嘌呤含量汇总表(一) List of foods in Purine Content(1 可可碱 Theobromine 2300 啤酒酵母 Yeast, Brewer's 1810 小鱼干 Little dried fish 1539 小牛胰脏 Neck sweet bread, Calf's 1260 鲱鱼干 Sprat, smoked 804 羊脾Sheep's spleen 773 面包酵母 Yeast, Baker's 680 牛肝Ox liver 554 猪心Pig's...
62 野鸡Pheasant 62 金针菇 Needle mushroom 61 小龙虾 Fish, Crayfish 60 薄脆麦饼干 Crispbread 60 注:表中数据来源于互联网,其准确性和权威性不详。食物中嘌呤含量单位为:(mg of purine)/(100g of food) 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击举报。打开...