or TCM, practitioners use meridian therapy, medical massage and herbal medicine. Acupuncture is another TCM technique. A practitioner of TCM typically has a bachelor’s degree, according to Explore Health Careers, and must spend a minimum of three years in a TCM program to learn acupuncture...
Search by selecting a category or use search box below. Career Pages includeDescription, Activities, Education Requirements, Colleges offering related programs, Skills, Knowledge, Work Styles, Work Values, and Salary Information.
you will hear the personal stories, experiences, and journeys of dozens of people who work in health related careers. You will also have the opportunity to connect with a supportive community of students, mentors, and health care professionals to explore your interests, find resources, and discove...
Orthopedicsis the medical specialty devoted to the diagnosis, care and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. These disorders include diseases and injuries of the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and skin. Careers in the field of orthopedics include orthopedic surgery, orthopedic techn...
A medical technologist is a scientist in the healthcare and MedTech industries. They work closely with other medical professionals to collect and analyse bodily samples to determine and treat illnesses. These tests may include blood, tissue, spinal fluid, and urine. All of ...
UMG also used its might to look beyond music, establishing programs addressing environmental stability, sustainability, health care and homelessness.None of that would matter as much if Grainge wasn’t being just as attentive to his primary responsibilities, and on the home front, UMG thrived, ...
A career in neurosurgery is suited for people who enjoy challenge, diversity, investigation and extensive thinking. Every day brings diagnostic challenges and a need to develop management plans involving treatment modalities from multiple areas of health care. The career also offers opportunities for aca...
Because of Australia's aging population and growing economy, occupations in healthcare, engineering, information technology, and construction have often been in demand. Who is eligible for skilled migration in Australia? A number of factors determine your eligibility for skilled migration to ...
Handle inbound phone calls from patients, providers, and health plan companies. Must have ahigh school diploma/GED and 1 year of experience. $17.50-$22 per hour + benefits,including healthcare, 401K, paid parental leave, tuition reimbursement, and more.Hiring nationwide!
You may qualify to get some of this compensation without going to court. VA benefits: Veterans with mesothelioma may qualify for nearly $4,000 a month in disability compensation and inexpensive or free cancer treatments through the VA health care system. Get a Free Case Review to explore your...