Commands CollectedThe following commands are collected:/bin/ls -lR ${HASYBDIR} /bin/ls -l /usr/lib | /bin/grep informix /usr/sbin/pkgchk -n ${PKG} /usr/sbin/smcwebserver -V /opt/SUNWcacao/bin/cacaoadm ${CLUSTERBIN}/hareg -q ${DB} ${CLUSTERBIN}/hareg -q ${DS} /usr/...
grep find things inside files man read a manual page apropos find what man page is appropriate env look at your environment echo print some arguments export export/set a new environment variable exit exit the shell sudo DANGER! become super user root DANGER! use the .. to move “up” in ...
and tech enthusiasts. One of the key features of Linux is its command-line interface, which allows users to interact with the system using text-based commands. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most commonly used Linux commands, often referred to as the "Linux command...
grep.h config: add ctx arg to config_fn_t Jun 29, 2023 hash-lookup.c global: introduce USE_THE_REPOSITORY_VARIABLE macro Jun 15, 2024 hash-lookup.h oid_pos(): access table through const pointers Jan 29, 2021 hash.h hash: provide generic wrappers to update hash contexts Feb 1, 2025...
As mentioned, these details go on for 1,582 lines, so it helps to have some way to weed through that output, whether that involves using thegrepcommand, or some of thelsofoptions shown below. This command lists all open files belonging to PID (process ID)11925: ...
curlie- A curl frontend with the ease of use of HTTPie. Seeplaintextaccounting.orgfor a great overview of relevant tools. ledger- Powerful, double-entry accounting system. hledger- Robust, fast, intuitive plain text accounting tool with CLI, TUI and web interfaces. ...
13. grep command Thegrep command(globalregularexpressionprint) enables searching through text in a file or a standard output. The basic syntax is: grep <search string> <filename> The output highlights all matches. Advanced commands include usinggrep for multiple stringsor writinggrep regexstatements...
--grep=<pattern> Limit the commits output to ones with a log message that matches the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one--grep=<pattern>, commits whose message matches any of the given patterns are chosen (but see--all-match). ...
--grep=<pattern> Limit the commits output to ones with log message that matches the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one--grep=<pattern>, commits whose message matches any of the given patterns are chosen (but see--all-match). ...
junegunn/vim-slash : provides a set of mappings for enhancing in-buffer search experience kana/vim-repeat : Enable to repeat last change by non built-in commands kylechui/nvim-surround : Surround selections, stylishly lambdalisue/pinkyless.vim : Rest your pinkies by using this plugin linty-...