This is a complete list of all country ISO codes as described in the ISO 3166 international standard. These codes are used throughout the IT industry by computer systems and software to ease the identification of country names. We have compiled them in the quick reference table below in order...
Top Audit Tools for Finance, Compliance, or Risk (AuditBoard, Hyperproof, SAP Audit Management) 04:02 Depending on what you're in need of tracking and reporting - audit management software is here to help. AuditBoard, Hyperproof, and SAP Audit Management all represent the best the industry ...
Chrom-GRC* NANOEDGE* STGesture* STPROTECT LOGO* Dr2MOS* NeoChrom GPU* STGov STreamPlug* ECMF* Neural-ART Accelerator* STi2Fuse* STripFET* ECOPACK* Norstel STi2GaN* STSAFE* eSTM* Norstel LOGO STi2GaN LOGO* STSECURE LOGO EXAGAN* PROTON STLUX STSPIN* FAROUDJA (in Katakana and ...
List of awesome tools I use for dev or othermanjaro is a user-friendly rolling release Linux distribution deepin-wm is out-of-box window manager for people who care about design and that don't want to waste their time in configuration guake is a top-down terminal fish is a friendly ...
Service Expertise: CSSE: DevOps on Oracle Cloud (Retiring on March 28, 2025) Oracle Retail Assortment and Space Optimization Cloud Service (December 23, 2024) SAP Applications to Oracle Cloud (August 14, 2024) Service Expertise: PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.5x (May 08, 2024) ...
Browse from the list of software categories and find the best business software solution for accounting, human resources, project management, business intelligence, hotel management and much more.
csvkit - A suite of command-line tools for converting to and working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats. csvq - SQL-like query language for csv. csvtk - A cross-platform, efficient and practical CSV/TSV toolkit written in Go. dasel - Allows you to query and modify data struct...
Service Expertise Retired or soon to be Retired SAP Applications to Oracle Cloud (August 14, 2024) Service Expertise: PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.5x (May 08, 2024) Service Expertise: Infor Applications to Oracle Cloud (April 17, 2024) Service Expertise: PeopleSoft 9.2 Financials Management (April ...
Google Workspace (G Suite) Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) is a collection of cloud computing, productivity, collaboration, device, user, and data management tools developed by Google. MDM/EMM, IAM, SaaS Management Devices, Users, Software, Application Extensions, Roles, Groups, Licenses, Appl... 三騎士Tools 綠光能數位有限公司 群昱股份有限公司 THAILAND Super Software TURKEY MARS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES UAE Al Hamidia Computers and Security Systems Provider ...