He studied Germanic linguistics at Columbia, where he came under the influence of Franz Boas who inspired him to work on Native American languages. While finishing his Ph.D. he went to California to work with Alfred Kroeber documenting the indigenous languages there. He was employed by the ...
(Burma) Germanic - German - Austrian Swedish people Sardinia group (Italy) Sara (West Africa) Samar Wright group (Philippines) Seib Cheyenne (Philippines) Serb Cypriot (West Africa) Senoufo family (West Africa) The people of the mulberry race (South Africa) Sancho (South America) The seventh...
His nationalistic theories about the origins of the Germanic peoples influenced aspects of Nazi ideology; nevertheless, he was rejected by the party as their official prehistorian. Birthplace: Sovetsk, Russia Dementy Shmarinov Dec. at 92 (1907-1999) Dementy Shmarinov was a graphic artist and...
Someone recently said, "Assertions about the importance of HBD [human biodiversity] are rife on the internet among high-IQ bloggers." We thus created the following bibliography to aid those interested in human biodiversity. The bibliography is eclectic and a work in progress. Its creators do ...
However, all of that does not matter if your skin is a little darker than pure white or if you do not have an Anglo or Germanic name. You are considered a foreigner and I welcomed in American society. America is a failed system and the lie that it is inclusive and the land of ...
The Peoples of Gaul Gaul had since prehistoric times become the home of successive waves of invaders or immigrants from the East. The Roman armies brought a brief interlude of stability, but Roman rule ended with another wave of invasions, the Germanic inva... E James - Palgrave Macmillan UK...
Germanic Languages --- 1-Dutch 2-German 3-Scandinavian (Danish, Swedish, and Norweigan) GustavSun Aug 31, 2008 5:09 am GMT Well, I assume that you meant (). In that case, the easiest languages to learn are the closest to English, Thank you for your reply, ...
Portuguese (LETRAS-L) Discussion of literature and applied linguistics, in Portuguese. Listserver: majordomo@listas.ansp.br For questions, contact: admin@listas.ansp.br (Alamir Aquino Correa) Germanic; PD1-PD71 approx. Germanic languages, older (to about 1500) (GERLINGL) Listserver: listserv...
ïTRIBUTION OF SOVIET NATIONALITIES AND LANGUAGES \ EVERNAYA EMLYA nJ, INDO-EUROPEAN SLAVIC 1 Russian 2 Ukrainian 3 Belorvssian 4 Polish 5 Bulgar LETTIC 6 Lithuanian 7 Latvian GERMANIC β German ROMANCE 9 Moldavian 10 Rumanian IRANIC 12 Tadzhik 14 Beludzhi 15 Kurdish 16 Tat 17 Ossetian OTHER...
East Germanic Norse Frankish Gothic Vandalic Tibeto-Burman: Kirata Arakanese Tocharian: Tocharian Altaic: Hunnic Turkic Ethiopian: Kushite Abyssinian Balto-Slavic: Galindian Slavic Uralic: Finno-Ugric Most of them are connected with each other because of having common ancestry, but some were grouped ...