Two years before the Civil War, Django (Jamie Foxx), a slave, finds himself accompanying an unorthodox German bounty hunter named Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) on a mission to capture the vicious Brittle brothers. Their mission successful, Schultz frees Django, and together they hunt the ...
List of notable or famous lawyers from Germany, with bios and photos, including the top lawyers born in Germany and even some popular lawyers who immigrated to Germany. If you're trying to find out the names of famous German lawyers then this list is the perfect resource for you. These la...
Public "Prefix n' Shorten"☑️ - Redirecthttp://sho.rt/ a public interface instead of the admin area. YOURLS Pseudonymize- This plugin "pseudonymizes" the IP addresses so that it is in line with the German privacy laws (the last 2 segments/bytes of a visitor...
[14] The interim period was a whirlwind for the German political landscape, many constitutional laws were passed with emergency powers, the banning of extremist parties was pronounced at the same time as a major decentralisation reform. In the 1986 elections, the single list of the center-left ...
The paper provides a brief overview of art export regulations in the Mediterranean region from the 19th century to the laws adopted in the 1920s and 1930s. It then focuses on the German law of 1919 requiring works of art that were predominantly privately owned and o...
and can be regarded as a variant of pluralism, which asserts a multiplicity of principles of being. The term “dualism” was introduced by the German philosopher C. Wolff and designated the recognition of two substances: the material and the spiritual. One of the most important spokesmen for ...
o The "mit beschränkter Haftung (mbH)" suffix (German: [ˈɛmbeːˌhaː], "with limited liability") is sometimes added to the name of a firm that already ends in "-gesellschaft" ("company"), e.g., "Mustermann Dental-Handelsgesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung" ("dental ...
The Hasso Plattner Institute offers a range of self-paced courses with free certificates of participation and achievement. Most courses are in German, but some are in English. Here’s a selection of courses in English: Understanding Embeddings for Natural Language Processing Data Science Bootcamp Int...
Laws & Government Policy (2010) (Article)UK Judges told: ‘be more lenient to women criminals’.Feminists campaign for this. Rape is defined as a crime only men can commit. There is a lesser ‘sex without consent’ law aimed at female rapists, however this neatly keeps men out of rape ...
SLF German city, country, river, database No Yes Yes SpotSense Add location based interactions to your mobile app apiKey Yes Unknown Telize Telize offers location information from any IP address apiKey Yes Yes TomTom Maps, Directions, Places and Traffic APIs apiKey Yes Yes Uebermaps Discover ...