List of Book Genres – Where can you find the most comprehensive and accurate book genre list (in print or online), that’s also free and easy to use? This article explains. It’s part of a free multi-part training guide about genres of books, written by a former NY Times bestselling...
This book genres website has the best book genre list online, as well as a book genre finder and dictionary.
Authors need to have a firm grasp on all the different genres of books in order to find the perfect home for their own. The tropes and expectations of a book’s genre will inform its content and style during the writing process, as well asfundamentalssuch as word count. But it’s also...
this genre has certain elements that set it apart. Most often, paranormal books are set in modern times and take place in our world (as opposed to a made-up world, as in fantasy novels). Some stories incorporate paranormal elements as an accepted part of the world, while others feature t...
I can see it’s handy for booksellers to be able to slot every ebooks into a given genre, but it has nothing at all to do with quality. This mitigates against many a harmless good book Anonymous January 26, 2012 Thank you very much Anonymous March 28, 2012 Wow! Great. Thanks for...
This list is just a small part of List of Books, which, despite its title, consists of many short lists, defined by genre and other categorizations. However, the editors each chose 25 books to take with them on a "desert island holiday" (not so morbid as the common tendency to assume...
There’s nothing that keeps readers on the edge of their seats, hooked on a book, quite like a great suspense novel does. The suspense genre is one of the most popular categories in the world of books. What are the best suspense novels? Vote up the best books below and see where...
FindAll(Predicate<T>) 使用述詞委派尋找其屬性為 「計算機」FindComputer的所有書籍Genre。 FindLast(Predicate<T>) 使用PubBefore2001 述詞委派,在集合中尋找發行日期在 2001 之前的最後一本書。 C# 範例使用匿名委派。 FindIndex(Predicate<T>) 使用FindComputer 述詞委派尋找第一部計算機書籍的索引。 FindLastIn...
With fiction, a reader gets to experience an entirely new world that is created by an author. He creates a new world, new animals, new languages, etc. This is something that cannot be experienced in any othergenre of books. Some of the most admired authors today are the authors of fanta...
FindAll(Predicate<T>)使用FindComputer谓词委托查找属性为“Computer”的所有书籍Genre。 FindLast(Predicate<T>)使用PubBefore2001谓词委托查找集合中发布日期早于 2001 的最后一本书。 C# 示例使用匿名委托。 FindIndex(Predicate<T>)使用谓词委托查找第一本计算机书籍的FindComputer索引。