Get the value property: A list of workflow runs. Returns: the value value.withNextLink public WorkflowRunListResult withNextLink(String nextLink) Set the nextLink property: The URL to get the next set of results. Parameters: nextLink - the nextLink value to set. Returns: the WorkflowRunList...
lx-s/WinMute - WinMute lets you automatically mute your PC volume on certain events (e. g. Screensaver, Workstation Lock, Shutdown, etc.). notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus - Notepad++ official repositoryCSSJonius7/SteamUI-OldGlory - A set of customisable Steam Library tweaks, with an ...
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Unlike GTD, flow believes we only need to types of to-dos: things we want to do right now (flow), and things we want to save for future (future). For example, flow may include to-dos like sending an email, or making a phone call. On the other hand, thing like making a travel...
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