Snow Shark is a 2012 horror film directed by Sam Qualiana about an outrageous and spine-tingling shark that swim through frozen snow and hunt people. It starred Sam Qualiana, Michael OHear, Jackey Hall, Kathy Murphy, CJ Qualiana, Andrew Elias and Robert Bozek. Released: 2011 Directed by:...
John and Dean Solomon (Will Arnett, Will Forte) are two kind but lovelorn siblings whose social ineptness stems from childhood years spent in a frozen wasteland. Upon learning that their father's dying wish is to have a grandchild, the brothers set out to find wives and start families, a...
Nickandmore! presents a comprehensive list of movies and specials that have aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. This list includes theatrical movies, TV movies, TV show specials, and other events.
Without strong heroes, there are no action movies. Great action movies revolve around strong, courageous hero or heroes. Though this hero may not be perfect and may exhibit some sign of moral weakness, he is likeable and charismatic. Revenge Plot Another feature of a great action movie is the...
This page used to house a list of production songs and the SpongeBob SquarePants episodes, in which they have been heard in. It has been split up into per-letter subpages. One of the promo songs was stolen from the first half of the Tutti Frutti Carousel
Want to know what movies and TV shows are available on 4k Blu-ray Disc? Here’s a complete sortable list of titles in alphabetical order and sortable by release date or publisher. The Ultra HD Blu-ray format is the successor to Blu-ray and provides 4x the image resolution at 2160p comp...
Frozen2013 Super Buddies2013 Saving Mr. Banks2013 Planes2013 The Odd Life of Timothy Green2012 Girl vs. Monster2012 Frenemies2012 Frankenweenie2012 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva La Fiesta!2012 Wreck-It Ralph2012 Treasure Buddies2012 The Muppets2011 ...
He’s a flouncy-collared, womanising secret agent who was cryogenically frozen in the 1960s, then awoken in 1997 to battle cat-stroking villain Dr Evil. Written and starring Mike Myers in both the lead roles, the film’s storyline is as silly as it sounds but that’s what makes it ...
Under Frozen Pond Back in Creature Time more... Season Four Liturgusa Krattorum Panda Power Up! Snowy Owl Invasion Pangolin Rescue A Creature Christmas Creatures of the Deep Sea more... Season Five Mystery of the North Pole Penguins? Temple of the Tigers The Dhole Duplicato...
155 6.8 7.4 Frozen Land quisma88's rating: 233 7.6 7.4 Reindeerspotting - pako Joulumaasta (2010) quisma88's rating: 199 7.7 8 The Unknown Soldier (1955) quisma88's rating: 74 5.3 6.2 Uuno Epsanjassa (1985) quisma88's rating: 82 5.9 6.7 Uuno Turhapuro armeijan leiviss...