The list of Vietnam Journals (indexed in (1) the databases of WoS, Scopus, or/and Scimago or (2) the famous publishers) summarized by Dr. Hai Nguyen Tran (updated: Feb 2021) 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 380 作者: T Hai 年份: 2021 ...
(Winter et al. 2004). Before the advent of the Internet, television, newspapers, bulletins, magazines, journals, books,mailing lists, bulletin boards, fliers, and a wide range of paper-based products were used to advertise forest recreational opportunities. Other routes included old standbys such...
By January, Cabell’s was well into the process of designing its own blacklist, says project manager Kathleen Berryman. The company already publishes a ‘whitelist’ of trustworthy journals, to which about 800 institutions subscribe; websites such as theDirectory of Open Access Journalsprovide other...
in which journals that successfully pass the parametric evaluation process currently based on 41 criteria are indexed every year.Submitting a journal for indexation is free of charge and is done by sending an evaluation survey by the date specified in the evaluation schedule. ...
SCOPUS, WOS, COPERNICUS, and more indexed international journals as the Publication Output ConferenceEducation & Training Follow 3 Fri, 05 - Sun, 07 Jul 2024 Dermatology and Allied Specialites Summit (DAAS Summit)New Delhi Dermatology and Allied Specialites Summit has been established as a premier ...
publishedinLiebertjournals;complimentaryfaculty membershipintheAuthorCite™marketingplatform;and a10%LiebertLoyaltydiscountonthelistpriceofjournal subscriptionsordereddirectlyfromMaryAnnLiebert,Inc. FormoreinformationonLAAPmembership,visit .authoradvocacyorcontactlaap@liebertpub. ...
Finally, there are several assessment frameworks available in scientific journals that attempt to evaluate smart city performance of solutions at different levels. The sources presented in the paper have been chosen based on their scientific merit and publishing date (for scientific publications) in ...