It is particularly suitable for use in the testing phase of the development pipeline. awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers olist213/Information_Security_Books 信息安全方面的书籍 superhuman/rxx...
We’ve selected a handful of the best (and worst) D&D feats, explaining how they work and why we love or loathe them. Plus, we’ll explain whichDnD classesandDnD character buildswork best with our choices. After that, it’s up to you to send your feat-filled character out into the ...
It's Never Over: Plot Seeds for the End of the World. Dion Fernandez discusses campaigns which continue...after the end of the world! Using the Survivor background, along with discussion of omnipotent tyrants, world destabilization, and unknown powers, this article contains suggestions and plot...
Ad Guru I'm an advertising expert, ready to create innovative campaigns for your products. 雑に3Dダンジョンシナリオ作成 3DダンジョンのシナリオとNPCとの会話を創造。 文案GPT 好的文案就要直击人心,令人秒赞 Blue Willow Sage 生成青花瓷风格融合的图像 Etsy AI Engine I craft Etsy product descrip...
A common mistake when people discuss class balance, particularly in games like Pathfinder and DnD, is to focus solely on the character’s ability to kill things. This is an easy mistake because combat takes up the lion’s share of time in most campaigns, and social encounters typically won...
While Paytm’s founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma is an outsized votary for his own brand and the digital payments space, Kapany has managed to build strong equity of his own. He regularly features on awards lists in India and is a regular on juries. The campaigns he has overseen have won ...
There are both recurring campaigns (like a Star Wars campaign that has been going on for over two decades) and more one shot adventures in systems including: Runequest, Legend of the five rings, blades in the dark, fate, savage worlds, forbidden lands, call of cthulhu, pendragon, westend...
Witching Hour Cafe (free-form, pbp, gothic fantasy, creative writing site) Woldian Games (Pathfinder (DND 3.75)) World at War (wargame) World Championship Wrestling Federation (internet-based fantasy wrestling game) world club championships (fantasy football) World Leaders: The World Is ...
Realm of Light (Wild pokemon fantasy game) Realms of Hyboria (Heroic Fantasy) Realms of Kataclysm (DnD 3e) ReLite (Fantasy role playing and wargame) Residents of Vana'diel (Final Fantasy, Free-form Fantasy) Return of the Gods (Sci Fi, fantasy) Return to Ravenloft / A Second Exp...
Dungeon and Dragons 3.5 Campaigns (Fantasy) [ dead link ] DungeonWorld (fantasy adventure) [ dead link ] e-Sim (free, massive, multiplayer, social browser game ) [ dead link ] Eagle NX12 (Star Trek, Alternate Universe) [ dead link ] Earth Abides (Post Holocaus (Disease), Opera,...