Bobby Schayer (born December 23, 1966 in Los Angeles, California) was the drummer for Bad Religion from 1991 to 2001. He was a resident of Encino, a suburb in the San Fernando Valley. He started drumming in 1976 at the age of 10, but it was not until 1980 that he be...
The theory that the US Constitution should be interpreted based on the intent of its authors, as determined by examining evidence of their understanding of the meaning of its wording in its historical context. o·rig′i·nal·istadj.& n. ...
Religion was a guiding force throughout his life and he believed it to be the source of his success. Rockefeller was also considered a supporter of capitalism based on a perspective of social Darwinism, and he was quoted often as saying, "The growth of a large business is merely a ...
2022-07-15Opinions 07-15-2022 The Hidden Agenda Of The Founding Fathers' Antagonists The insidious attacks against our Founders from the political Left are not difficult to understand. Leftists control public school textbooks; they control the mainstream media; they control Washington, D.C.; the...
The book also explores the role of children and women in everyday life as well as how religion, politics, and economics shaped the deep traditions and dynamic changes of modern China. Isabella: Artist Extraordinaire by Jennifer Fosberry When Isabella has a day off from school, her mother ...
ClosedChambers:TheRise,Fall,andFutureoftheModernSupremeCourt ColePorter:SelectedLyrics(AmericanPoetsProject) CommonLawTradition:ACollectivePortraitofFiveLegalScholars,the CultureCode:AnIngeniousWaytoUnderstandWhyPeopleAroundtheWorldBuyandLiveasTheyDo Endgame:Volume1:TheProblemofCivilization ...
A man’s interest in a single bluebird is worth more than a complete but dry list of the fauna and flora of a town.--Henry David Thoreau
use of deception, guile, lies and other means to engage with cruel force. (89) the founder of zoroastrianism, the founder of zoroastrianism, was once the founder of the Persian religion, which has been around for 2,500 years and remains a believer. (90) minez, Egypt, the creati...
He is one of Haiti's founding fathers, together with Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, and his rival Henri Christophe. Birthplace: Port-au-Prince, Haiti Rene Depestre Age: 98 René Depestre was born in Jacmel (Haiti) in 1926. His first collection of poems Étincelles caused...
In religion, she was relatively tolerant and avoided systematic persecution. After the pope declared her illegitimate in 1570 and released her subjects from obedience to her, several conspiracies threatened her life, all of which were defeated with the help of her ministers' secret service. ...