__ a list of...的清单10.中国的国旗是红色的。它有五颗黄色的星星。China's flag is red. It is famous around the world.11.这是故宫博物院。它在世界各地都有名。This is the Palace Museum. ___It has a long history.12.这是中国的长城。它有着悠久的历史。This is the Great Wall of...
Mockfly— Mockfly is a trusted development tool for API mocking and feature flag management. Quickly generate and control mock APIs with an intuitive interface. The free tier offers 500 requests per day. Mocki - A tool that lets you create mock GraphQL and REST APIs synced to a GitHub rep...
Find out who will be carrying their nation’s flag from a host of countries ahead of Sunday's Closing Ceremony for Paris 2024.
Flag of Iron 1980 The Young Master 1980 Class of 1984 1981 Enter the Ninja 1981 An Eye for an Eye 1981 Nighthawks 1981 Mad Max 2 1981 Le Professionnel 1981 Sharky’s Machine 1981 The Cannonball Run 1981 Deadly Brothers 1981 Game of Death II 1981 My Young Auntie 1981 The True Game of ...
vue-material-design-icons - A collection of SVG Material Design icons as single file components. vue-fontawesome - Font Awesome 5 Vue component vue-country-flag - Vue component for country flag icons vue-fa - Simple FontAwesome 5 Vue.js 2 component. vue-icomoon - With vue-icomoon you ca...
直接文件夹下列举文件和文件夹。 调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。 授权信息 当前API暂无授权信息透出。 请求语法 POST/v2/file/listHTTP/1.1 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 ...
Otherwise known as the Feast of Epiphany,Timkat celebrates the baptism of Jesuswith a few special ceremonies followed by neighbourhood parties. Locals reenact the baptism, people make the pilgrimage from other countries and the streets are decorated in the colours of the Ethiopian flag. ...
{ "duration": "7704.573000", "bit_rate": "129280", "code_name": "aac" } ] }, "punish_flag": 1, "id_path": "id1/id2", "name_path": "root/f1/f2", "creator_type": "", "creator_id": "c9b7a5aa04d14ae3867fdc886fa01da4", "creator_name": "AB***CD", "last_modifier...
Country Flag, continentPhone, call codeCountry code ISOCountry code ISO3Numeric codeCountry domain Tld Afghanistan Asia+93AFAFG4.af Aland Islands Europe+358-18AXALA248.ax Albania Europe+355ALALB8.al Algeria Africa+213DZDZA12.dz American Samoa ...
children of parents chili pepper chili pepper; hot pepper chilly; wintry chimpanzee; ape; gorilla China Chinese (language) Chinese dumplings; water dumplings Chinese language Chinese martial art; kung fu Chinese mile (half kilometer) Chinese New Year; Spring Festival ...