Justice League of America is an unsuccessful 1997 television pilot produced by CBS and directed by Félix Enríquez Alcalá, based on a team of fictional DC Comics superheroes from the comic of the same name. The film centers on a female meteorologist who gains superpowers and is later inducted...
Script error: No such module "SDcat". Script error: No such module "Unsubst". Fictional gangs, of varying types (Crime syndicates, Crime families, Drug cartels, Motorcycle gangs, Paramilitary organizations, Prison gangs and Street gangs) appear commonly
When the children of the world's greatest secret agents unwittingly help a powerful game developer unleash a computer virus that gives him control of all technology, they must become spies themselves to save their parents and the world. Released: 2023 Directed by: Robert Rodriguez Als...
Since 2013, she has voiced the fictional character Garnet in the animated TV series Steven Universe, in which she provides the vocals for her character in numerous songs. Dig Deeper The Best Estelle Albums, Ranked Also ranks #21 on The Best Dressed Women in Hip-Hop Also ranks #45 on The...
Murder Can Hurt You(1980). TV movie with Liz Torres and Roz Kelly. Caricatures of popular fictional detectives trap Kelly's character on an apartment house roof. She pulls off her mask first revealing a male villain, but - ah ha - pulls offthatmask to reveal plain-Jane spouse Liz Torres...
This satirical comedy, set in the summer of 1981, parodies the conventions of classic '80s teen movies, following the exploits of camp counselors at a fictional summer camp. The ensemble cast, including Paul Rudd, Amy Poehler, and Bradley Cooper, brings the nostalgic humor, absu...
It was part of a popular series of films featuring the fictional detective Harry Higgs. It was the first screenplay written by Ewald André Dupont, who later went on to be a leading filmmaker. Released: 1916 Directed by: Rudolf Meinert 70 Vengeance is Mine Silvio Bagolini, Piero Lulli, ...
The overall mood is one of tension and disquiet, as friend and foe blur together in a world of shifting allegiances. Released: 2017 Directed by: David Leitch Also ranks #1 on The Best Movies About Female Spies Also ranks #3 on The Most Exciting Movies About Female Assassins Also ranks #...
Set within the fictional Eastern Slav Republic, the film delves into themes of political intrigue and human experimentation, showcasing the potential for animation to create visually striking and emotionally riveting narratives within the science fiction genre. Its breathtaking action sequences and...
A master spy, or a master of disaster? You decide. Also ranks #5 on The Funniest Spy Movie Characters Dig Deeper Characters You Never Realized Have Been To Space Also ranks #11 on The Best Fictional Spies, Ranked 0 votes Major klutz? 5 Lt. Frank Drebin Photo: YouTube Frank Drebin ...