My Employment Options (MEO), one of my partners, specializes in finding remote jobs in a wide variety of industries and professions for recipients who receive SSDI and/or SSI disability benefits! For over 20 years, MEO has provided this free service through the federal Ticket to Work Program....
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Holiday Oracle - A consensus driven API for national, federal and public holidays servicing over 166 countries and 300 subdivisions worldwide Holidays - Don't let sourcing and maintaining holiday information get in the way of building your product LectServe - Your daily lectionary readings… Microsof...
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Databricks Service to manage your databricks account,clusters, notebooks, jobs and workspaces apiKey Yes Yes DigitalOcean Status Status of all DigitalOcean services No Yes Unknown Docker Hub Interact with Docker Hub apiKey Yes Yes DomainDb Info Domain name search to find all domains containing particu...
Banking sector exams are national-level exams conducted for graduates for different posts in the banking sector. The reasons why a large number of candidates are attracted to bank jobs are the Social Status, Lucrative Salary, Numerous Perks and other allowances, Job Security, Stability, and a ...
From August 5, 2002 until June 21, 2005, he was a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, proposed the Bernanke Doctrine, and first discussed "the Great Moderation" — the theory that traditional business cycles have declined in volatility in recent decades through ...
Alliance for Justice: Best known for its activismvis a visthe appointment of federal judges, this group consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as “extremists.” America Coming Together: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to coordinate a...
The November reading is one that is closely watched by Federal Reserve officials. Tim SmartDec. 20, 2024 What to Expect in a Government Shutdown As Congress races against the clock to come up with a new bill to fund the government, the chances of a shutdown are increasing. Here’s how ...