Helsinki - The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has added nine further hazardous chemicals to its Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SHVC). The list of nine chemicals includes the reactive flame retardant bis(2-ethyl-hexyl) tetrabromophthalate (TBPH), which can be used as an ...
On 14 June 2023, ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) announced in ECHA/NR/23/17 that it has added the following two new chemicals to the Candidate List.After these two new entries, SVHC (Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern) now contains 235 entries for chemicals that can harm ...
Identifying hazardous substances included in your product for REACH (EU) Filing with ECHA for SCIP Compliance Identify chemicals to comply with Prop 65 (California) Identifying the presence of PFAS chemicals in your product (Fines coming in 2027) ...
hazardous /ˈhæzərdəs/【释】adj. 有危险的 (dangerous)【例】These are hazardous chemicals that can cause death if inhaled.【近】risky, dangerous, unsafe, precarious【形】hazardearnest /ˈɜːrnɪst/【释】adj./n. 认真(的) (resulting from or showing sincere conviction)...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency could expand the number of “forever” chemicals that would be deemed hazardous and face cleanup under the nation’s Superfund law. The announcement is part of the agency’s efforts to address pollution caused by the chemicals known as PFAS—per- and po...
Foods That Are Poisonous to Your Rat Rats and Their Types, Colors, and Patterns (With Photos) How to Trim Your Pet Rat's Nails How to Safely Pick Up and Hold a Pet Rat
The first batch of priority hazardous chemicals had been published in June 2011. It contains 60 chemicals that had been screened out of the 2002 Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals and which shall meet certain conditions of flammable gases Cat. 1 or flammable liquids Cat. 1, and ot...
The Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), in collaboration with the National Administration of Disease Prevention and Control, is seeking public comments on the List of Toxic and Hazardous Water Pollutants (Second Batch). This is in accordance with the requirement...
The first batch of priority hazardous chemicals which was published in June 2011 contains 60 chemicals that had been screened out of the 2002 Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals and which shall meet certain conditions of flammable gases Cat. 1 or flammable liqui...