Are you looking 👀 for emoji symbols you could copy and paste to another website or app❓ Copy and Paste Emoji to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr and Discord.
Here is the complete list of all emoji emoticons and new stickers for Facebook. As you can see, we have loads of unique emoticons to choose from. You’ll find an incredible selection of familiar smiley faces along with a huge number of new and popular emoticons. Now you can easily expres...
Text faces Learn what text face (emoticons) are and how to make them. This page contains a list of text faces you can copy and paste. What are text faces (emoticons)? Text faces, emoticons, Unicode faces, emojicons, emotes, kaomoji, Japanese emoticons, and other names are categories and...
9 twemoji Emoji for everyone. jdecked 1153 10 meteo-france-models Documentation for Météo-France models on AWS OpenMeteoData 24 11 all-contributors ✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨ all-contributors 7791 12 modern-font-stacks System font stack CSS organized...
🌎 Iconspedia Iconspedia is a website that contains a large collection of high quality free icons. 🌎 iconhub Just practical stunning icons for everyone 🌎 3DICONS Beautifully crafted open source 3D icons 🌎 IconsDb Free Custom Icons 🌎 Emoji Guide The collection of 3300 emojis with the...
Interesting typefaces These pages contain a short summary of a number of fonts that I find interesting in some way. I like some of the typefaces and use them a lot. Some fonts are so famous they simply deserve attention. There are fonts that happen to be both frequently used and hated....
The🐋 Whale emojishows a colored illustration of a whale, a big marine mammal with a big mouth and a white underside. The whale faces left and has a long tail. This is a relatively more real-life depiction of the whale, as compared to the🐳 Spouting Whaleemoji seen next. ...
This is a website for collecting Emoji emoticons, which lists all the network emoticons. You can use this website to search and copy & paste the emoji you need. We also provide an explanation for each Emoji symbol, so that you can understand the meaning
HTML Special Characters To type aSpecial Characterusing anAlt keyboardsequence, follow these steps: Make sure that theNum Lockkey has been pressed to activate the numeric key section of the keyboard. Press and hold down theAlt key. While theAlt keyis pressed, use the numeric keypad to type ...
EmojiTimeFormatter - Format your dates/times as emojis. Kronos - Elegant NTP date library in Swift. TrueTime - Get the true current time impervious to device clock time changes. 10Clock - This Control is a beautiful time-of-day picker heavily inspired by the iOS 10 "Bedtime" timer. NSDate...