英英 网络释义 mailing.list 显示所有例句 n. 1. 邮寄名单;邮寄名址录a list of the names and addresses of people who are regularly sent information, advertising material, etc. by an organization 2. (计算机中存储的)电邮发送清单a list of names and email addresses kept on a computer so that you...
An email list is a special list of names and email addresses of people who gave you permission to send them updates and promotions from your business. You can build your email list usingemail marketing softwareandsend an email blastto everyone with your blog updates, online store, or othe...
(Communications & Information) a register of names and addresses to which advertising matter, etc, is sent by post or electronic mail Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 201...
Email addresses and domain names in the Safe Senders List are never treated as junk email, regardless of the content of the message. You can add your Contacts and other correspondents to the Safe Senders list to confirm you'll always receive their messages in your inbox....
United States Email Addresses Helps you with the Right Prospect DataThe LakeB2B’s USA Email List consists of over 30,000,000 names from various Industries. Selectable by job title, SIC, revenue, employee size, and more. Email, postal, and telemarketing data are delivered on each record ...
Addresses:please list all of the following addresses that may be used in our business activity:Headquarters/Main Office:Shipping Address:Tel:Tel:Fax:Fax:email:email:Purchasing Address:Finance (accounts payable) location:Tel:Tel:Fax:Fax:email:email:Ownership - is your firm structured as a:Sole ...
Here are three quick tips to help you find email addresses: Use social media networks - If you run a business online, chances are you have a Facebook page. Your followers might also use Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram as their primary means of interacting with you and would likely apprecia...
HTTPS4All: Port of HTTPS Everywhere to force (most) links to use HTTPS App Store 2020 swift ☆37 SimpleLogin: Protect your email with aliases and more. Its Share Extension helps you create aliases on the fly without leaving your favorite browser https://simplelogin.io/ App St...
CSV/TSV Upload Issues Creating Mailing List Samples Mailing List Options Searching, Sorting, & Organizing Mailing Lists & Samples Employee Directory Extensions & API Library Page Ticketing Location Assist Research Hub Journeys User & Brand Administration XM Discover ...
Create and forward an unlimited amount of email addresses with your domain name (note: You must pay if you use .casa, .cf, .click, .email, .fit, .ga, .gdn, .gq, .lat, .loan, .london, .men, .ml, .pl, .rest, .ru, .tk, .top, .work TLDs due to spam) Imitate Email - ...