List of Countries/Economies51 List of Countries/Economies 51 List of Countries/Economies Country/Economy Page Argentina 52 Australia 56 Austria 60 Bahrain 64 Bangladesh 68 Belgium 72 Brazil 76 Canada 80 Chile 84 China 88 Colombia 92 Czech Republic 96 Denmark 100 Egypt 104 Finland 108R Federation...
GDP is a measure of a country's economic activity and is used to compare the economies of different countries. GDP is an important indicator of a country's economic strength because it measures the total output of the economy. A higher GDP means that the country is producing more good...
This page displays a table with actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, statistics and historical data charts for - GDP. This page provides values for GDP reported in several countries part of Asia. The table has current values for GDP, previous rel
That is greater than the 174List of Countrieswhich have Signed, Ratified/Acceded to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights, xxxxx:// protocol_on_the_statute_of_the_african_court_of_justice_and_human_rights....
"Cheetahs represent the economy of the future. What they are doing and where they are doing it shows which industries are attracting the top young talent and investment, and which countries and cities have the best startup ecosystems," said Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman and chief researcher of ...
Medicare Data Engine of Data [Meta] Medicare Data File [Meta] Nightingale Open Science [Meta] Number of Ebola Cases and Deaths in Affected Countries (2014) [Meta] Open-ODS (structure of the UK NHS) [Meta] OpenPaymentsData, Healthcare financial relationship data [Meta] PhysioBank...
Global Head of Music Google/YouTube The numbers show one facet of YouTube’s reach and influence: According to the streaming platform, there are over 100 million songs globally on YouTube; YouTube Music and YouTube Premium are available in over 90 countries and regions; and from July 201...
Women can change the world by global participation and empowerment: A pathway towards a care economy The present paper is an attempt to analyze the association between Gender Gap Scores and GDP (PPP) per capita of 135 countries for the year 2012.The scores are taken from, The Global Gender ...
"We are eliminating the existing list of non-market economy countries," Malmstrom told reporters. "This is a new method, it will be country-neutral and will be applied equally to allWTOcountries (members)." With this proposal, the EU would create an additional non-standard methodology. This...
Whatever the terminology, the terms are intended to characterize a nation's place in the global economy. Defining Developing Nations Classifying countries as First, Second, Third, and Fourth World was a concept that was created soon after the end of World War II in 1945 and used until the co...