4 EarthX EarthX is a feature-rich Discord music bot built with discord.js v14+, discord-player v6+, and MongoDB. Elevate your server's audio experience with a wide array of music commands, robust performance, intelligent chat management, and comprehensive logging! Chetan3010 39 5 twitch-high...
http://rss.probe.earth:1200 by Probe 586 https://rsshub.aboutrss.now.sh/ by AboutRSS https://rsshub-now.now.sh/ by fengkx https://rsshub.now.sh/ by YJK https://rssh-ub.homeofnever.now.sh/ by NeverBehave https://rssh-ub-neverbehave.homeofnever.now.sh/ by NeverBehave ...
professional development course taught by Teacher Institute staff, open to any science teacher (particularly middle or high school level) and science enthusiast. This is a hands-on workshop that explores topics and strategies teachers can use to help their students become active investigators of [....
as the number of superhero titles dwindled. Publishers went out of business, and those that survived pivoted not on superheroes but on newgenresof comics like funny animals, Westerns, horror, crime, romance, and science fiction, although sales of such titles were lucky to reach half of the ...
European Environment Agency: Maps and datasets from the European Environment Agency, covering a huge range of physical geography and environmental topics. Europe only. Land and Ocean Boundaries GSHHS: A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shoreline Database - which basically means it'...
He has published 250 papers, reports, and monographs on a wide range of earth science topics of regional and national importance. He has prepared innovative geoscience products for educators and the public, has had numerous television and radio interviews, and has been featured in newspaper and ...
Earth and Planetary SciencesDiscover other topics On this page Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Chapter Understanding E-mail and Internet Crimes Scene of the Cybercrime (Second ...
Week 2: Basics of Orbits Welcome to the second module of the Basics of Rocket Science course, where we will delve into the fascinating world of orbits. In this module, we will cover a range of topics, including what an orbit is, escape velocity, and the different types of orbits that ...
December20071Geography, Earth and Environmental Science (GEES)Subject CentreEducation for Sustainable Development(ESD)-Resource listA. GEES-specific resources1. Case studies of current ESD practice within GEES subjects in UK Higher EducationA collection of cases gathered from the GEES Subject Centre Focus...
A list of geospatial datasets on Google Earth Engine: Earth-Engine-Catalog A list of geospatial datasets on NASA's Common Metadata Repository (CMR): NASA-CMR-STAC A list of geospatial data catalogs: geospatial-data-catalogsAbout A comprehensive list of NASA Earth science data products Topics ge...