Eliezer and Yosef Yoel Rivlin lived in Damascus during World War I and in 1926 published a book about the history of the Jews in Damascus during the 16th century[1]. In their last chapter, the Rivlins included a list of the surnames of Jewish families which lived in the city in previous...
Origin: English variation of the German Eberhard Meaning: "brave as a wild boar" Description: Everett is a preppy but outdoorsy name, with wintery New England vibes. In the last decade, it’s had a leap in popularity, perhaps because of its similarity to trendy girls’ names like Ava an...
List of famous people born in 1981, with photos when available. This list of celebrities born in 1981 is loosely ordered by popularity, so the most well-known ...
In total, we used 11 lists in the Medium set (1,224KB – 7,798KB in size). These lists included words and phrases from the Dutch, Greek, Russian, Italian, and English languages, as well as a list of names (surnames, common first and last names, middle names, and obscure names). ...
Jacoby– Right on trend with surnames as first names,Jacobyfeels like a combination betweenJackandJacob; it now ranks at Number 593. Llyr – An intriguing Welsh mythology name meaning “the sea” Oak– A nature name that hasn’t received a lot of attention except as a nickname forOakley ...
Lists around 25,000 prominent Qing indi- viduals, with surname index and arranged by stroke count of surnames and given names and the following tabulation: birth and death dates; other names; place of origin; source of information. In Chinese. Recommended. 169 Johnston, Alastair Iain: CULTURAL...
List of famous people born in 1988, with photos when available. This list of celebrities born in 1988 is loosely ordered by popularity, so the most well-known ...