C-3PO is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. A protocol droid, interpreter, and best friend of R2-D2, C-3PO was built by a young Anakin Skywalker, later serving alongside Anakin's children, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa. C-3PO appeared in each film of the Sky...
In Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, directed by Richard Marquand, the galaxy's fate hangs in the balance. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) is determined to bring his father, Darth Vader (David Prowse, voiced by James Earl Jones), back from the dark side. Meanwhile, Rebel forces...
When Taborr and his band of pirates pillage the vulnerable Kublop Springs marketplace, Kai, Lys and Nubs spring into action to stop them. 6.6/10(92) Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap By what name was Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures Shorts (2023) ...
bold= recent release (in the last 12 months) blue= future release Stars (*) represent footnotes, explained at the bottom of the page Years before/after Ep. IV ⇩ LEGENDS These books are part of the original Star Wars Expanded Universe, and follow an internally consistent timeline. Newer ...
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It can deploy repair droids and is one of the few Imperial craft equipped with deflector shields. Visibility is clear forward, above and to the sides, with some sightline available near the pilot's feet. Starfighter Class - Support Maneuverability - Medium Firepower - Low Armor - High Shields...
S1.E23 ∙ The Caves of Batuu/Finders KeepersFri, Mar 1, 2024 Kai faces a series of challenges in the caves of Batuu. The Jedi help a scrapper repair her droid. 6.8/10 (65)Rate S1.E24 ∙ The Starship Show/Nash's Super Busy DayFri, Mar 8, 2024 Nash and the Jedi must recover...
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The Droidsmith Viper Legacy The Safecracker Gunsmith Breakout The Hive The Heavy Partners Jabba’s Favor The Truth The Heist Revelator Side quest Outlaws is short on proper side quests, but this is made up by a massive selection of Intel quests: Shadows of Deceit High-Stakes Showdown Jabba...