Get a list of attendanceRecord objects and their properties.提示 A more convenient way to retrieve attendance records is to get them in line with an attendance report by using the expand query option. For an example and more details, see Get meetingAttendanceReport....
aone need to look no further than the approximately 130 DOD facilities on the Superfund National priorities List, or DOD’s poor record of compliance with state and federal agencies is required to achieve effective results.” 没有进一步比大约130 DOD设施在Superfund全国优先表或者DOD的贫寒纪录州和联邦...
Global serviceUS Government L4US Government L5 (DOD)China operated by 21Vianet ✅✅✅❌ Permissions Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissionsonly if your app requires it. For details about delegated and appl...
A list of a combatant commander's highest priority requirements, prioritized across Service and functional lines, defining shortfalls in key programs that, in the judgment of the combatant commander, adversely affect the capability of the combatant commander's forces to accomplish their assigned mission...
For example, it might suggest that the file is a backdoor, is capable of installing services, or relies on HTTP to communicate. fireeye/capa-rules Standard collection of rules for capa: the tool for enumerating the capabilities of programs fireeye/flare-floss FireEye Labs Obfuscated String ...
US Government Community (GCC) Moderate, GCC High, and Department of Defense (DoD) customers: Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), levels 1 through 5, is included in addition to the Microsoft Data Protection Baseline.Premium regulationsThe...
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*** In accordance with Army Regulation 600-8-19, Paragraph 3-18, Subparagraph b (1), Dated 16 May 2019, Effective 16 June 2019 DA Form 87 (Certificate of Training) will NOT be used as a source document when updating military RESIDENT training within the system of record. MILITARY EDUC...