FireDLis your best bet. You may be wondering what FireDL Codes is all about and what it does. Well, we are here to bail you out of your confusion. It is one of the apps that many people love; especially people who have to download...
E-Label - Solution for electronic labels, with QR Codes, on wine bottles sold within the European Union. (Source Code) MIT Docker FoodCoopShop - User-friendly open source software for food-coops. (Source Code) AGPL-3.0 PHP/Docker Foodsoft - Web-based software to manage a non-profit food...
biter777/countries - Countries - ISO-639, ISO-3166 countries codes with subdivisions and names, ISO-4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 codes, IANA ccTLD countries domains, FIPS, IOC/NOC and FIFA codes, VERY VERY FAST, compatible with Databas...
otherTelephoneRead-ReadA list of alternative office telephone numbers. pagerRead-ReadThe primary pager number. photoRead-- physicalDeliveryOfficeNameRead-ReadNames that a postal service uses to identify a post office. postalCodeRead-ReadCodes that a postal service uses to identify postal service zones...
Jansi - ANSI escape codes to format console output. Jexer - Advanced console (and Swing) text user interface (TUI) library, with mouse-draggable windows, built-in terminal window manager, and sixel image support. Looks like Turbo Vision. Text-IO - Aids the creation of full console-based ap...
PrettyColors - Styles and colors text in the Terminal with ANSI escape codes. Conforms to ECMA Standard 48. RandomColorSwift - An attractive color generator for Swift. Ported from randomColor.js. SheetyColors - An action sheet styled color picker for iOS. SwiftHEXColors - HEX color handling ...
SE03 - Groups together most of the tools that you need for doing transports. In total,more than 20 tools can be reached from this one transaction. SE06 Set Up Workbench Organizer设置工作台组织器 SE07 Transport System Status Display传输系统状态显示 ...
Awesome Rust If you want to contribute, please readthis
The Cisco DNA Center Assurance Wi-Fi 6 dashboard provides a visual representation of the wireless network. Dynamic Tri-radio support for 9130 Both Uplink and Downlink Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (UL OFDMA and DL OFDMA) features are supported in Cisco...
Each RenderNode contains both a display list as well as a set of properties that affect the rendering of the display list. RenderNodes are used internally for all Views by default and are not typically used directly. RenderNode用来建立硬件加速渲染View层级结构。每一个RenderNode包含了一个DisplayList...