Banks is a biographical drama centered on the making of the classic Disney film, Mary Poppins. The narrative unfolds as Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) seeks to obtain the movie rights from author P.L. Travers (Emma Thompson). Travers, a stern and uncompromising woman, proves a tough negotiato...
This list contains all the theatrical films released by Walt Disney Productions (and they're a heck of a lot!) beginning 1937 up to the present. Please take note that we only included in this list those that were directly produced by Disney for the big s
< The Derfan Movie1 Sign in to edit The following is a list of characters from the 2029 American live-action/2D/3D/8-Bit/Hybrid film computer traditional animated crossover fantasy-romantic-musical-action-black slapstick comedy film, The Derfan Movie. Contents 1 Walt Disney/Buena Vista/Hulu...
D23 presents a list of all the Disney films from A-Z, including titles from Marvel, Pixar, Disney Animation, Touchstone, and more!
When it comes to the prestigious Academy Awards, Disney has had its fair share of success. Many of their iconic songs have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to the world of cinema. One such song that took home the coveted Oscar is “Let It Go” from the movie Frozen. Rel...
the name, whether they're documentaries, dramas, horror movies, or any other genre of film. Do you have a favorite movie with mother in the title? Categorizing movies by words in their titles is kind of uncommon, but that's a big part of why this list is so fun to scroll through. ...
Overview: A young girl, Chihiro, becomes trapped in a strange new world of spirits. When her parents undergo a mysterious transformation, she must call upon the courage she never knew she had to free her family. Genres: Animation, Family, Fantasy. Country: Japan. Runtime: 2h 5m. Movie li...
Disney Television Animation & Disney Branded TelevisionFat Cat's head, Professor Norton Nimnul, Mepps and Wart from the TV series that the movie is based on. Dale even watches the episode "When You Fish Upon a Star" to solve a clue, and the episode "Fat Cat Attack" is shown during ...
Murder by Numbers (2002)Bardejov (2024)Heart of the Hunter (2024)Rest in Peace (2024)The Wages of Fear (2024)Synduality: Noir Season 1-2 (2024)3BDClassrooom Of The Elite: Season 3 (2024)2BDDeath in Paradise: Season 13 (2024)2BDPredator: 5-Movie Collection (5 Discs)When the ...
Alley Cats Robert Mersey Allo Paris! Nino Nardini Aloha Dick Stephen Walter KPM 1984 Aloha Oé Hans Haider APM 1985 Alone in the Old House Gregor F. Narholz The Alphabet Song (a) Peter Gosling Alpha to Omega (b) Dave Hewson Alpine Holiday Harry Bluestone The Alpine Waltz Dick ...