TypeDB - Logical database to organize large and complex networks of data as one body of knowledge. Cassandra - Open-source, distributed, wide column store, NoSQL database management system. TDengine - An open-source time-series database with high-performance, scalability, and SQL support. Supa...
FieldWorks - FieldWorks is a suite of software tools for language and cultural data, with support for complex scripts. https://software.sil.org/fieldworks/ FieldWorks Language Explorer (or FLEx, for short) is designed to help field linguists perform many common language documentation and analysis...
For many years, there were three commercial broadcast TV networks; ABC, CBS, and NBC. But in the mid '40s to mid '50s, there were other competing networks, including which one of these? What did the C in CBS stand for? In the long history of Major League Baseball, there has been ...
Byeong Hyeon Ju KR Seoul 2011-12-29 / 20110315174 - DISH WASHER 3 Wonchul Ju KR Seoul 2015-12-03 / 20150350206 - STORAGE SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PERFORMING SECURE WRITE PROTECT THEREOF 4 Ho-Jung Ju KR Seoul 2010-09-16 / 20100231179 - POWER MANAGEMENT CIRCUIT TO MANAGE DISTRIBUTION OF RECEI...