Core phonics concepts include learning consonant and vowel sounds, blends, digraphs, and word families. By mastering these basic building blocks, students gain the skills they need to read fluently, spell accurately, and recognize familiar word patterns in new contexts. In the classroom, phonics is...
Digraphsare two letters that form a single phoneme (sound).Digraphs can be categorized as consonant digraphs or vowel digraphs. In aconsonant digraph, a joint set of consonants form one sound, like “sh” inshark. Consonant digraphs can appear at the beginning of a word (initial consonant dig...
Today in ourStruggling Reader Series, I’m sharing TONS of links to free phonics activities. Don’t get stressed out looking at the entire list. We’ll talk really quick about how to narrow down what phonics skills your learner needs to work on. All the phonics activities are listed by s...
end of the word. We prefer to use the term “consonant blends” to clearly distinguish between blends and digraphs, which both have two consonants in a row. Examples of words with consonant blends are: slip, tend, grunt. Examples of consonant blend nonsense words are: plag, gresp, posk....
Below are 2 of the games included in myH Brothers Digraphs ActivitiesandL Blends Activities. Both sets contain a variety of activities for each skill. Dictation I love using dictation in my lessons so no surprise you’re seeing it here again. After working on your target phonics skill, do ...
Short E Words with Digraphs:shed shred shell fresh mesh flesh check chess bench wrench stench stretch fetch sketch Digraphs are a pair of letters that make a single sound, such as sh-, ch-, and th- and can appear at the beginning or ending or words. Give your child more practice with...
Not all vowel teams are the same. There are vowel digraphs and vowel diphthongs. A digraph is when two letters spell one sound (/ai/ and /ea/), and diphthongs are a special kind of vowel sound (/ou/ or /oi/). So, all vowel teams are digraphs, and some are also diphthongs. ...
Short A Words with Digraphs:chat chap whack wham that than bath math path rash bash lash dash hash mash cash shack shaft back lackDigraphs are a pair of letters that make a single sound, such as sh-, ch-, and th- and can appear at the beginning or ending or words. Give your child...
I’ve always taught bossyr{also calledr-influence vowels} words directly after teaching some of the short vowel words with blends/digraphs. Some curricula I’ve seen teaches this skill after the long vowel patterns. Either way you slice it, bossyrpatterns are important for learners to know!
Short ‘A’ Words With Consonant Digraphs and Double Consonants When students learn the consonant digraphs ch, sh, th, and wh, they can read and write the words below. When they learn how to use double consonants for a one-syllable short vowel word ending in f, l, s, or z, add thos...