In this taut thriller, Spencer Tracy delivers an intense performance as a one-armed man who arrives in a remote desert town searching for answers about a deceased friend. The film's simmering tension and sense of impending violence, skillfully directed by John Sturges, keep the viewer on edge...
Anne (Deborah Kerr) travels to the French Riviera to visit Raymond (David Niven), the wealthy husband of her recently deceased friend. His pampered daughter, Cecile (Jean Seberg), afraid that the prim and proper Anne's visit may alter their hedonistic lifestyle, attempts to drive a wedge be...
According to his mother, Barney is in hibernation, although Gumball and Darwin immediately notice that he is deceased and has been poorly taxidermied in "The Colossus." Barry Male ♂ Foam finger puppet "The News" He hosts the sports section of Elmore News. In the original cut, he was ...
F== The largest list of active gamer video arcade Reaction-Mesadventure for SNES on the Internet to the Internet. == A list of male-presenting Let's 2 Players living their best lives. When adding number of Subscribers, please do so in increments of 10,00
Bob-omb is the former and deceased best friend of the Paper Mario: The Origami King character of the same name. This section is a stub. You can help the Super Mario Wiki by expanding it. Reason: Backstory Bobolink[edit] “I want to get married to Bobolink, my dear love, in a shoc...
Dead as a starship rivet: Deceased.[185] Similar to the real-world expression "dead as a doornail."[183] Dead blade: Term for a simple blade, no more than a sharp object such as a piece of metal, ceramic, transparisteel, or even carbonite. It was considered crude, as compared to ...
Actors W (Deceased)Eli Wallach 1. Baby Doll (1956) 2. The Lineup (1958) 3. Seven Thieves (1960) 4. The Magnificent Seven (1960) 5. The Misfits (1961) 6. Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (1962) 7. How the West Was Won (1962) 8. The Victors (1963) 9. Act One (1963...
Heaven is a supernatural location often considered a place of residence for deities and the deceased in various religions, mythologies, and works of fiction. In the Donkey Kong Country episode "From Zero to Hero", during the scene where Bluster imagines his funeral, Funky tells the painting of...
Kubo is on a journey to locate a magical suit of armour that belonged to his deceased father (aaaaand the tears have already started) so that he can defeat a vengeful spirit (who’s a real d*ck). The film is full of twists and beautiful imagery, and chills are 100% guaranteed. ...
Actors B (Deceased)Martin Balsam 1. On the Waterfront (1954) 2. 12 Angry Men (1957) 3. Time Limit (1957) 4. Marjorie Morningstar (1958) 5. Al Capone (1959) 6. Middle of the Night (1959) 7. Psycho (1960) 8. Everybody Go Home (1960) 9. Ada (1961) 10. Breakfast At Tiffany...