from datetime import date, timedelta ONE_DAY = timedelta(days=1) def find_date_windows(dates): # guard against getting empty list if not dates: return # convert strings to sorted list of datetime.dates dates = sorted(date(*map(int,d.split('-'))) for d in dates) # build list of w...
teambition/rrule-go - Go library for working with recurrence rules for calendar dates. [MIT License] (⭐️325) techcentaur/gobatch - GOlang package for efficient and robust rate-limiter for concurrent asynchronous batch processing [MIT License] (⭐️11) teris-io/cli - Simple and comple...
kafka-python - The Python client for Apache Kafka. pymongo - The official Python client for MongoDB. motor - The async Python driver for MongoDB. redis-py - The Python client for Redis. Date and Time Libraries for working with dates and times. arrow - A Python library that offers a sen...
The other answers are correct, but not much has been explained in terms of advantages and limitations of these methods. The aim of this post will be to show examples of these methods under different situations, discuss when to use (and when not to use), and suggest alternatives. DataFrame(...
Understanding the importance of Python as a data science tool is crucial for anyone aspiring to leverage data effectively. This course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the field of data science. This co
Popup calendar for quickly navigating dates. 用于快速导航日期的弹出式日历。 obsidian-jupyter Jupyter Run python code in Obsidian using jupyter. 使用jupyter 在 Obsidian 中运行 python 代码。
end_date=end)idx2=trading_dates.index influx_bucket="local"influx_org="localdomain"influx_token...
Tencent is a leading influencer in industries such as social media, mobile payments, online video, games, music, and more. Leverage Tencent's vast ecosystem of key products across various verticals as well as its extensive expertise and networks to gain
This page is a filtered version of the Connector reference overview page. Only connectors available in Logic Apps are shown.You can select a connector to view more detailed connector-specific documentation including its functionality and region availability. You can also filter all connectors by a ce...
DigiDates (Independent Publisher) DigiLEAN Connect DigitalHumani (Independent Publisher) Dime.Scheduler Dime.Scheduler (on-prem) Discord (Independent Publisher) Disqus Do Not Call Reported Calls (Independent Publisher) Doc To PDF DocFusion365 – SP DocJuris Docparser Document AI Konfuzio Document Draft...