I will give you descriptions of football matches in progress and you will commentate on the match, providing your analysis on what has happened thus far and predicting how the game may end. You should be knowledgeable of football terminology, tactics, players/teams involved in each match, and...
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Everything has already been done for the benefit of the dearest client. There are programs – password managers, more than that you can invent some methods of passwords formation for each site you use. Here is some general information on this subject. We all human beings so all of us have...
Football Prediction - he API supports competitions in over 90 countries and over 140 national leagues Google Cloud Natural - Enables easy integration of Google natural language understanding technologies into developer applications GrünstromIndex - The green electricity index shows when a lot of renewable...
Football/Soccer resources (data and APIs) Lahman's Baseball Database NFL play-by-play data - NFL play-by-play data sourced from: [...] Pinhooker: Thoroughbred Bloodstock Sale Data Pro Kabadi season 1 to 7 - Pro Kabadi League is a professional-level [...] Retrosheet Baseball Statistics ...
Playing Games:深度强化学习的快速发展最直接的应用和体现就在“游戏”领域,目前DRL技术主要在视频帧游戏(Atari)、棋牌游戏(Go)、实时策略游戏、Board 游戏、球类(Football)等游戏中有广泛的研究,然而很多人看了领域大牛、顶级研究机构发的论文,一头雾水,主要原因是一方面自身coding能力不是足够高,另外一方面已发表的...
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Football/Soccer resources (data and APIs) Lahman's Baseball Database NFL play-by-play data - NFL play-by-play data sourced from: [...] Pinhooker: Thoroughbred Bloodstock Sale Data Pro Kabadi season 1 to 7 - Pro Kabadi League is a professional-level [...] Retrosheet Baseball Statistics ...