必应词典为您提供List-of-Cyrillic-letters的释义,网络释义: 西里尔字母列表;
noun letters, script, writing system, syllabary By the age of two-and-a-half, he knew the alphabet. Alphabets Related vocabulary Cyrillic, hiragana, kana, kanji, katakana, Kufic or Cufic, Latin, lexigraphy, Linear A, Linear B, logogram or logograph, Nagari, Roman Arabic letters alif, ...
Aleksandra Radović (Serbian Cyrillic: АлександраРадовић, born 10 September 1975) is a Serbian singer and songwriter. Debuted in 2003, she has released for studio albums, had several regional tours, including annual concerts in Belgrade's Sava Centar, and won many presti...
I'm trying to build keywords for my webpage and I want that keywords to be extracted from text. I have that function Here is what I try: The problem is dosen`t work with cyrillic letters. How to fix t... Regular Expression for filtering invalid windows characters in Java ...
Mileva Marić (Serbian Cyrillic: МилеваМарић; December 19, 1875 – August 4, 1948), sometimes called Mileva Marić-Einstein or Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn, was a Serbian physicist and the first wife of Albert Einstein from 1903-19. She was the only woman among Einstein's...
I'm trying to build keywords for my webpage and I want that keywords to be extracted from text. I have that function Here is what I try: The problem is dosen`t work with cyrillic letters. How to fix t... Regular Expression for filtering invalid windows characters in Java ...
The content of the zip file needs to be extracted in a separate directory before playing can start. This is the result of 3 years of work, and found several bugs Train Director. Note that this scenario uses Cyrillic characters. It will not appear correctly on systems that don't have Cyril...
Instead of greeting each other with the usual “Dobar dan” or “Zdravo” (Hello), Serbs use the traditional greeting which is the most common way to say Happy/Merry Christmas:“Христоссероди”(Cyrillic Letters)/ Hristos se rodi(Latin Alphabet), which is the pandan to th...
Russian written in Greek or in Latin letters would still make it hard for this Greek speaker. Polish, written in (though modified) Latin letters is generally perceived as more difficult than Bulgarian, written in Cyrillic. The writing just doesn't influence the difficulty of a language that gre...
Bulgarian cyrillic might look different than Russian. Final fallback is the numeric glyph ID. The direct glyph ID may change across fonts and even font versions, this makes it the final resort. The actual choice of the glyphs panel is shown in the ...