Daniel Aguila's son recounts memories of the Philippines as he searches for his father. Released: 1980 Directed by: Eddie Romero Airplane! Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty, Peter Graves In the 1980 comedy Airplane!, ex-fighter pilot Ted Striker (Robert Hays) finds himself thrust into an unexpected...
In the years after the Spanish–American War, he served in the United States and overseas in positions of increasing rank and responsibility, including platoon leader and company commander in the Philippines during the Philippine–American War. He was the Honor Graduate of his Infantry-Cavalry ...
Living in the shadow of an active volcano actually provides some benefits to the people who live on Sicily. Not only is the volcanic soil good for growing crops in, but the volcano also attracts tourists, who spend money in the local economy. Mount Etna has erupted regularly for thousands o...
(c) other violations of international humanitarian law where no treaty requires universal jurisdiction, such as war crimes committed in non-international armed conflict (Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and the Philippines) and violations of treaties that either prohibit or regulate the use of certain ...
2019.12.22 Iraq Shoura 1 0 An imam is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals. 2019.12.22 Philippines Mindanao 0 23 Bangsamoro Islamists hurl grenades into civilian areas. 2019.12.22 Nigeria Gasarwa 10 5 Islamic extremists stop cars on a highway and single out ten aid workers and Ch...
Please read this article to know the complete list of countries of the world and their capitals. You may also read the Most Important List of Lists for Government Exams. Also Read: List of Biosphere Reserves in India Major Crops and their States in India List of Chiefs of Army Staff List...
2003.11.27 Philippines Barira 5 4 Five people in the middle of planning a wedding were killed, and four others injured when Moro Islamic Front terrorists strafe their house with gunfire. 2003.11.25 India Anantnag 2 4 An assassination attempt on a Hindu politician by Muslim radicals leaves two...
CROPGRIDS: comprehensive global, geo-referenced dataset providing area information for 173 crops circa the year 2020, at a resolution of 0.05Ëš (~5.6 km at the equator) High Resolution Canopy Height Maps by WRI and Meta: Forest canopy height data for the whole world, generated from AI ...
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Get a peek into the various segments of the environment across the globe. Add these videos to your watchlist for the month and watch them for free on YouTube. See All Key Ideas In April, Mongabay released videos covering the Indigenous action in conservation in Brazil and the Philippines, fa...