List of Countries of Europe Alphabetically FlagCountryCapitalPopulation (2021)[1]AreaCurrency A AlbaniaTirana2,854,71028,748 sq km (11,100 sq mi)Albanian lek AndorraAndorra la Vella79,034468 sq km (181 sq mi)Euro ArmeniaYerevan2,790,97429,743 sq km (11,484 sq mi)Dram ...
Population: 9,120,000. Somalian So·ma'li·an adj. & n. * ▼ [source] Somalia has a developing mixed economy based largely on livestock and agriculture. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. Muslim Arabs and Persians first established trading posts ...
The group was the subject of a reality show named Whale Wars. He promotes veganism, and a biocentric, rather than anthropocentric, worldview.Watson's activities have led to legal action from authorities in countries including the United States, Canada, Norway, Costa Rica and Japan. He was ...
Categorised list of freely available GIS datasets. Includes everything from administrative boundaries to population, and from terrorist incidents to global vegetation at the last glacial maximum.
Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is home to a large population of the Spanish-speaking people within the country. There are about 130,000,000 Spanish-speaking residents of Mexico. Spanish-Speaking Countries in Central America and the Caribbean By the early-1600s, the Spanish Empire had ...
a population of about 1.3 billion. The teaching of theSecond Vatican Council(1962–65) on the role of bishops counterbalanced the emphasis on papalprerogativeswhile maintaining the view that the authority of the bishops as a body cannot be separated from that of the pope as its head. Although...
of colonialism and globalisation. This paper returns to the history of the Pacific and Indian Oceans in the long nineteenth century, by viewing these large expanses of water as constellations of islands. In these seas, islands served amongst other things as garrison states, laboratories of science...
Mopane Caterpillars (Africa): Mopane are eaten in various South African countries (South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana). For more info please visit: Mopane Hu-Hu (New Zealand): Hu-Hu grubs! Those who have tried these fat white globular bugs are split into two camps - those who think it tast...
1494878072 UNKNOWN Report of the Case of the Rev. William Long Incumbent of St Peter's Mowbray Versus the Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Cape Town in the Supreme Court of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope GBP 15.001318821728 ELSAS A., Die skandinavischen Plagioklasgesteine und Phonolith...
He is considered the "father" of modern Swedish literature and his The Red Room (1879) has frequently been described as the first modern Swedish novel.In Sweden, Strindberg is known as an essayist, painter, poet, and especially as a novelist and playwright, but in other countries he...