Texas is the second most populated state (29,000,000 people) in the United States and ranks second in the size of its economy. The State of Texas encompasses
Population Density (2020 Census)87/sq mi (33.6/km2) (185th) US Administrative Divisions50 States, a federal district (Washington, D.C.), and 5 self-governing territories. US RegionsNortheast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and West Total U.S. Counties3,143 counties (As of 2020 Census) ...
The 19th century was marked by rapid territorial expansion in the United States, driven by the ideology of Manifest Destiny—the belief that the nation was destined to expand across the continent. Key events included the Louisiana Purchase (1803), the annexation of Texas (1845), and the Oregon...
During a news conference, Abbott said that the severe weather and prolonged flooding event that began early this month has caused widespread and severe property damage, and threatens loss of life in many counties. Therefore, he declared a state of disaster in 36 additional counties in Texas. Abb...
Texas Open Data [Meta] The World Bank [Meta] Toronto, ON, Canada [Meta] Tunisia [Meta] U.K. Government Data [Meta] U.S. American Community Survey [Meta] U.S. CDC Public Health datasets [Meta] U.S. Census Bureau [Meta] U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) [Met...
10. Austin Texas 974,447 (2020) 961,855 By the early 21st century, the majority of the U.S. population had achieved a high level of material comfort, prosperity, and security. Nonetheless, Americans struggle with the unexpected problems of relative affluence, as well as the persistence of ...
Categorised list of freely available GIS datasets. Includes everything from administrative boundaries to population, and from terrorist incidents to global vegetation at the last glacial maximum.
The newly added 36 counties are in addition to 18 named as part of the disaster declaration on Tuesday. The counties cover a broad range of Texas extending roughly from West and Central Texas down to the Gulf Coast and South Texas.
JonesAnsonZavalaCrystal City Texas Topo Maps AnyPlaceAmerica.com- Free printable Texas topographic maps, GPS coordinates, photos, & more for cities, counties, state parks, and points of interest Interactive Map of Rockport and the Texas Coast...
Texas Open Data [Meta] The World Bank [Meta] Toronto, ON, Canada [Meta] Tunisia [Meta] U.K. Government Data [Meta] U.S. American Community Survey [Meta] U.S. CDC Public Health datasets [Meta] U.S. Census Bureau [Meta] U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) [Met...