• June 23, 2014: An Amtrak trainhit a vehiclethat was apparently driving on train tracks in Massachusetts, killing three people in the vehicle and derailing the train just before midnight in a remote area about 24 miles southwest of Boston. None of the 180 people on board the train was ...
studies. OMNILab is now part of the BaiYuLan Open AI community. Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in sindresorhus's awesome list.NOTICE: This repo is automatically generated by apd-core. Please DO NOT modify this file directly. We have provided a new way to contribute to this ...
They are: Alabama, Alaska, Arcansas, Arizona, California, Cansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Colorado, Conecticute, North Dakota, South Dakota, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Rhodes Island, Illinois , Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Massachusetts...
Ark., Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022, after filing paperwork to run for the U.S. Senate. Bequette is challenging incumbent GOP Sen. John Boozman in the state's May primary. On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, Bequette filed a lawsuit after two counties incorrectly listed his...
Just two months later, however, the ship got caught in a nor'easter storm off the coast of Massachusetts and sunk, taking Bellamy and most of his crew down with it. The remains of the Whydah Gally were discovered in 1984, making it the first authenticated pirate vessel ever to be ...
US Cities, Counties and States Full list of US cities, states and counties (60k+ entries) formatted for your convenience: City|State short name|State full name|County|City Alias Mixed Case Example: Bronx|NY|New York|BRONX|University Heights OR Gaines|PA|Pennsylvania|TIOGA|Manhattan 61 sta...
it is called the Land of Millionaires. New York is the richest state in the United States of America.New York Citycontributes $1,705,127 million to the country's GDP. Following, Massachusetts and Washington rank second and third respectively among the wealthiest states in the USA, while Missi...
State Capital: The capital city of the state. State Size: The area of the state, both total (land + water) and land only. Number of Counties: The number of counties for each state. Time Zone: List the time zone(s) of each state. Some states extends to more than one time zone...
The College of New Jersey, located in Ewing, New Jersey just outside of Trenton, ranked #1 among the Best Regional Universities North. The region consists of Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Main...
GADM: Global administrative boundaries, with extensive attribute sets. Covers countries and up to four levels of internal administrative boundary (states, departments, counties etc). (For Land Cover see above) CShapes - Historical Boundaries: Historical state boundaries and capitals post-WW2, world-wi...