The answer: She and her fellow students try to get sex education taught in city schools, which leads to clashes between Shelby and her conservative family, as her personal politics gradually diverge from those she grew up with. Released: 2005 Directed by: Marion Lipschutz, Rose Rosenblatt 81 ...
Smith shows Newton as a conservative individual who is disgusted by having microphones and cameras close to him. Released: 2001 Directed by: Spike Lee 59 Rat Film Maureen Jones, Dan Deacon, Matt Fouse 8 votes Rat Film is a 2016 American documentary directed by Theo Anthony. Employing ...
UEA Stemmer - Ruby port of UEALite Stemmer - a conservative stemmer for search and indexing. Twitter-text-rb - A library that does auto linking and extraction of usernames, lists and hashtags in tweets.General-Purpose Machine LearningAwesome...
I could go on about howbad the mainstream news media is, but; you already know that. If you are reading this, then chances are you’re searching for alternative information because the message you’re getting from corporate media doesn’t make sense. We get it, and it’s one of the m...
master .github mod ad-edentw.txt ad-mo.txt ad-pc.txt ad.txt ad2.txt ad3.txt Breadcrumbs list / ad-edentw.txt Latest commit github-actions[bot] Released on 202303272010 Mar 27, 2023 6fb9f81·Mar 27, 2023 History
Learn Sign in ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::SetComputeRootUnorderedAccessView method ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::SetDescriptorHeaps method ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::SetGraphicsRoot32BitConstant method ID3D12GraphicsCommandList::SetGraphicsRoot32BitConstants method ...
Tired of being ignored by mainstream media bestseller lists,especially the New York Times, a new...Bedard, Paul
Rick is joined by Bill Adair, the founder of PolitiFact and a professor at Duke University, to discuss the growing epidemic of political lying, especially within the Republican Party. They explore the history of political dishonesty, the role of conservative media in amplifying misinformation, and ...
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Anti-gay politicians are the elected leaders whose rhetoric is often totally over-the-top against LGBT rights. Their voting record on keycivil rights issuesspeaks for itself. Some of these conservative politicians are members of the US House of Representatives, while others are US Senators. ...