List of diseases linked to Agent Orange expandedLists the added diseases linked with Agent Orange, a defoliant used in Vietnam, that can receive disability benefits. Respiratory cancers of the lung, larynx, and ...
Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides during service may be eligible for a variety of VA benefits, including anAgent Orange Registry health exam, health care and disability compensation for diseases associated with exposure. Their dependents and survivors also may be ...
ghdna/cognito-express - Authenticates API requests on a Node application by verifying the JWT signature of AccessToken or IDToken generated by Amazon Cognito. axa-group/nlp.js - An NLP library for building bots, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and so more...
However, there will be two conditions. The first one is that you will remain with me for five years. You cannot, for example, do a film version with another [producer]. The additional condition is that you will not kill any children. The adults can die, but I don't want children ...
In "Saved by the Balls", Steve makes up a fake name of "Mario Brothers" and tells his story to a Russian mafia, which is the plot to the original Super Mario Bros. game. He says that Denzel's name is "Ted Tris", a pun on "Tetris". In "Global Warning", Malloy can be seen...
The evidence of positive effects from nature includes studies on specific psychological conditions.1It can promote positive social interactions and even help generate a sense of meaning to life. Being in green environments boosts various aspects of thinking, including attention, memory and creativity. ...
Here is the list of stronghold decoration issues that I'm aware of. Please reply with any that I missed. (Updated May 3rd) ---...
You might be interested to know that Verhuny used to fry in lard. If you’re curious about other possible flavorings, some recipes use citrus zest, such as lemon or orange, for a hint of tanginess. As for its texture, Verhuny boasts a light and crisp outer layer while maintaining a...
1 banana, apple, orange, pear or other fruits in the same sizes 2 plums, kiwi fruits, satsumas or other fruits in the same sizes 1/2 a avocado or grapefruit 1 large slice of fresh pineapple or melon 3 heaped tbsps of beans or vegetables ...
of regulated land which is situated less than 50 meters away from the main road, the mayor`s office and about 200 meters away from a small grocery store and café-bar. The property had been empty for more than two decades which caused its decay and as visible on the photos time took ...