parts list Acronyms [′pärts ‚list] (engineering) One or more printed sheets showing a manufacturer's parts or assemblies of an end item by illustration or a numerical listing of part numbers and names; it does not outline any assembly, maintenance, or operating instructions, and it may...
·Keyboard:Another one of the most important parts for a gaming PC setup is the keyboard. As the main means through which you'll connect with your computer, these devices come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and designs. They're available in a number of different designs and configurati...
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spare-parts list [′spār ¦pärts ‚list] (engineering) List approved by designated authorities, indicating the total quantities of spare parts, tools, and equipment necessary for the maintenance of a specified number of major items for a definite period of time. ...
computer-aided design stage of plastic partsdata storage deviceIKV is developing a program for the computer-aided handling of lists of requirements for plastic parts. An extensive checklist helps to determine all plastics related requirements. It determines both, the requirements in the run-u...
C# 2008 - Get ASCII code of a character C# 3.0 - Get LoggedIn UserName, ComputerName and IP Address c# 400 Bad request when trying to pass files through Rest API C# 5.0 Calling a method without requiring to wait for it to finish nor its results C# 7.0 shorthand syntax of Tuple not av...
Brand MS Computer parts Motherboard B360M B365M H310M ICAFE BAZOOKA PLUS WIND Pro LGA 1151 DDR4 pc motherboard part $37.00 - $52.00 Min. order: 1 piece Easy Return TWASUS Notebook 13 14 15.6 inch i5 i7 8G 12G 16G 20G 512G 1T Student Business Office Home laptop ...
= operators.}publicclassExample{publicstaticvoidMain(){// Create a list of parts.List<Part> parts =newList<Part>();// Add parts to the { PartName ="crank arm", PartId =1234}); parts.Add(newPart() { PartName ="chain ring", PartId =1334}); parts.Add...
ADS - Short for 'Aim Down Sights', ADS is the action of raising a ranged weapon to eye-level and aiming along the sights. AoE - Short for 'Area of Effect', AoE refers to attacks which cover a certain area with a damaging effect. B Bots - A bot is a computer-controlled character ...
} public class Example { public static void Main() { // Create a list of parts. List<Part> parts = new List<Part>(); // Add parts to the list. parts.Add(new Part() { PartName = "crank arm", PartId = 1234 }); parts.Add(new Part() { PartName = "chain ring", PartId ...