List of compositions by Robert Schumann Contents ? 1 Piano works ? 2 Vocal works o 2.1 Lieder and partsongs o 2.2 Choral and dramatic works ? 3 Orchestral works o 3.1 Works for solo instrument(s) with orchestra ? 4 Chamber music 1. Piano works ? Op. 1, Variations on the name "Abegg...
系统标签: partsongs gesnge romanzen lieder balladen compositions RobertSchumannContentsPianoworksVocalworks2.1Lieder2.2ChoraldramaticworksOrchestralworks3.1Workssoloinstrument(s)ChambermusicPianoworksname"Abegg"(1830)Papillons,(1829–1831)EtudesAfterPaganiniCaprices(1832)Intermezzi(1832)ClaraWieck](1833)Davidsbndl...
1、List of compositions by Johannes BrahmsContents 1 Works by genreo 1.1 Orchestralo 1.2 Concertanteo 1.3 Vocal Orchestralo 1.4 Chambero 1.5 Pianoo 1.6 Organo 1.7 Vocal 2 Works by opus number 3 Works without opus number1 Works by genre1.1 Orchestral Op. 11, Serenade No. 1 in D major (...
1.By catalogue number 1, Piano Sonata movement (1888), lost 2, Variations on a Theme of Grieg (Death of Ase) for piano (1888) 3, Variations on a Theme of Schumann (Choral "Freu dich, o meine Seele" fromAlbum für die Jugend, Op. 68) for piano (1888) 4,Ballade de la reine mo...
勃拉姆斯全部作品列表(List of compositions by Johannes Brahms).doc,List of compositions by Johannes Brahms Contents 1 Works by genre 1.1 Orchestral 1.2 Concertante 1.3 Vocal Orchestral 1.4 Chamber 1.5 Piano 1.6 Organ 1.7 Vocal 2 Works by opus number 3 Wor
(1888) 3,VariationsonaThemeofSchumann(Choral"Freudich,omeineSeele"fromAlbumfürdieJugend,Op.68)forpiano(1888) 4,Balladedelareinemorted'aimer,songwithpianoafterRolanddeMarès(1893) 5,Sérénadegrotesqueforpiano(1892-93) 6,Ungrandsommeilnoir,songfordeepvoiceandpianoafterPaulVerlaine(1895) 7,Menuet...
ListofcompositionsbyJohannesBrahmsContents 1Worksbygenreo1.1Orchestralo1.2Concertanteo1.3VocalOrchestralo1.4Chambero1.5Pianoo1.6Organo1.7Vocal 2Works..
List of compositions by Moritz Moszkowski 1. Works with opus number ∙Opus Title (Publisher)∙1 Scherzo für Pianoforte (Simon)∙2 Albumblatt (Hainauer)∙3 Piano Quintet ? or Piano Concerto ? (lost)∙4 Caprice für das Pianoforte (Hainauer)∙5 Hommage à Schumann, ...
List of compositions by Anton BrucknerContents ∙1 Orchestral works o1.1 Symphonies ∙2 Chamber music ∙3 Brass ensemble music ∙4 Solo piano music ∙5 Music for organ ∙6 Sacred choral music o6.1 Large-scale works o6.2 Motets ∙7 Secular choral music ∙8 ...