The first half covers friends on a college campus, while the second tells the story of a widower's young daughter who tries to reunite her dad with his old friend. Filmed in India, Mauritius, and Scotland, this was Johar's directorial debut. One of his goals for the film was to set...
Kogalymavia Air Company Russia 7K KGL KOGALYM Komiinteravia Russia 8J KMV KOMIINTER Korean Air Republic of Korea KE KAL KOREANAIR Krasnojarsky Airlines Russia 7B KJC KRASNOJARSKY AIR Krylo Airlines Russia K9 KRI Krylo Kuban Airlines Russia GW KIL AIR KUBAN Kunpeng Airlines China VD KPA KUNPEN...
Banc of America Capital Investors, L.P. Charlotte, NC Banc of America Capital Management (Ireland), Limited Dublin, Ireland Banc of America Capital Management, LLC Charlotte, NC Banc of America Capital Markets-Asia, Inc. Chicago, IL Banc of America CDC Special Holding Company, Inc. Charlotte,...
Repair YardNo.TypeLength(m)Width(m)Capacity(DWT) Curacao Drydock Company, Inc. 1 Graving 280 48 150000 Web Site: 1 Graving 193 26.5 28000 1 Floating 165 30 Country : PanamaLocation: BalboaClassNK Office in Charge: Panama OfficeRepair YardNo.TypeLength(m)Width...
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Alix Didier Fils-Aime Prime Minister of Haiti Amandeep Johl CEO of the Professional Golf Tour of India Chris Evans Anti-Slavery Commissioner Navin Ramgoolam Prime Minister of Mauritius Maia Sandu President of Moldova Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy Lead the New Department of Government Efficiency VD...
France: In France, Yellow Pages are referred to as Pages Jaunes. They are distributed free by, a company affiliated with France Télécom., the .com version of Pages Jaunes, was the issue of a major court case at WIPO; the original registrant, an individual ...
This is the Construction Industry company list of Foreign Buyer List. Click company name to browse the detail information. 这是本站建材行业公司列表,点击公司名称浏览详细信息。 Construction Industry Category (建材行业分类): Australia Construction Industry ...
This is the Industrial Supplies company list of Foreign Buyer List. Click company name to browse the detail information. 这是本站机械及工业制品公司列表,点击公司名称浏览详细信息。 Industrial Supplies Category (机械及工业制品分类): Australia Industrial Supplies ...
Chemicals/16 This is the Chemicals buyer list of Global Buyer List. Click company name to browse the detail information. 这是本站全球买家化工目录,点击公司名称浏览详细信息。