Read about and learn how to say the names of public places in Spanish. See a list of common places in Spanish, like the library, the pool, and the...
Quehaceres and tareas mean "chores," and del hogar means "household" (or "of/from the home"). Dusting, cleaning, and washing are a few verbs used to describe how the typical household chores are performed. Spanish learners should know how to say different chores in Spanish because it wi...
Verbs Followed by Infinitives Verbs Followed by Infinitives with Meanings Here’s a table of common verbs followed by infinitives with their meanings: VerbMeaning agree Consent to do something aim Intend or plan to do something appear Seem to do something ask Request to do something attempt Try ...
The vocabulary forclassroom objects in Spanish(losobjetos de la clase) may be very useful at school and also in many other settings. In this lesson, you will read and listen to several examples using a list of classroom items. Besides, we will make use of the vocabulary and grammar structu...
In this week, you'll learn about some more complicated verbs. Passives and perfect modals will take what you already know about verb tenses and add some more layers to it. Studying these will improve your fluency in written and spoken English. ...
Sort byStart Date AscStart Date DescUpdated Date AscUpdated Date DescTitle AscTitle Desc Course Title Contains Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date Strategies for Teaching Perfect Tenses and Modals (Coursera) ...
Japanese nouns that become verbs One of the most frequently used verbs in Japanese is suru, meaning “to do.” Not only does it have a broad definition, but it can be paired with a variety of nouns to create new verbs! These pairs [noun + suru] are commonly referred to as suru verbs...
Functions of prepositional phrases List of the most common prepositions Types of English prepositions (lists with examples) Prepositions of time Prepositions of place Prepositions of movement Prepositions with verbs Prepositions with adjectives Common preposition mistakes At In On To For Common mistakes wi...
Verbs The citation form for verbs is the first person singular, present indicative active, for instancesummeaningI am. English derivatives from Latin verbs are generally based on the present stem or the past stem. Many Latin verbs change the vowel of the first paragraph when combined with a pr...
Guests can easily book Miao’s room on the Internet. Nevertheless, although they will be housed in his apartment, it appears to have more in common with a jail cell than a regular bedroom as a cage in the center of the room is where guests will stay. ...