List of famous writers from Russia, listed alphabetically with photos when available. Russia is home to many prolific writers, including those who write ...
Water Isotopes: Global grids of hydrogen and oxygen isotope composition of precipitation and environmental waters in ArcGRID format. Data can be downloaded for whole globe or individual continents. JRC Water Portal: European water data from the EC Joint Research Centre, including data on quantity, qu...
These prominent astronomers of the United States may or may not be currently alive, but what they all have in common is that they're all respected American astronomers.Use this list of renowned American astronomers to discover some new astronomers that you aren't familiar with. Don't forget ...
We also present isotope dating of elm samples, a timber noted by Martin Bridge (this volume, pp. 94-102) as the second commonest structural timber in British buildings, that has proved very difficult to date using ring-widths. For some buildings where isotope dendrochronology has established ...
According toThe Guardian, the Japanese government argued that the water7.(treat) to remove most of the radioactive isotopes (同位素), so the water would be safe to be released into the ocean. However, not everyone agrees with this decision. Environmental groups and local fishermen have expresse...
When cystines are part of a protein, insulin for example, this stabilises tertiary structure and makes the protein more resistant to denaturation; disulfide bridges are therefore common in proteins that have to function in harsh environments including digestive enzymes (e.g., pepsin and chymotrypsin...
You see name and chemical formula next to temperature converted to the unit of your choice (Celsius deegres, kelvins, Fehrenheits degrees etc.) Bond energy chemical bond↔energy↔kJ/mol↔bond strength↔etc. Table shows energy of common chemical bonds in selected unit (kJ/mol, atomic ...
Isoprovalyn Firefly A common immune booster mentioned in episode Ariel. There are also references to other medicines in this episode: propoxin, hydrozapam, alprazaline - a painkiller and dilaftin. Jamitol Saturday Night Live A mixture of iron and high potency vitamins in the form of tablet...
So, don't trust the National Park Service on historical science because they're wrong on the age of the Earth. * Wood Petrifies Quickly: Not surprisingly, by the common evolutionary knee-jerk claim of deep time, "several researchers believe that several millions of years are necessary for ...
(CoCA) models to relate one data matrix to another data matrix. More specifically, CoCA maximises the weighted covariance between the weighted averaged species scores of one community and the weighted averaged species scores of another community. CoCA attempts to find patterns that are common to ...