This historic chemists from France list can help answer the questions "Who are some French chemists of note?" and "Who are the most famous chemists from France?" These prominent chemists of France may or may not be currently alive, but what they all have in common is that they're al...
The most common patronymics are ‘son’ and ‘dottir’. These surnames take the name of the father and attach either ‘son’ or ‘dottir’ as a suffix. For example, if a man called David had a son called Edward, he would be called Edward Davidson. Dottir was used by many Norse co...
Jorge Semprún Maura (Spanish: [ˈxoɾxe semˈpɾun]; 10 December 1923 – 7 June 2011) was a Spanish writer and politician who lived in France most of his life and wrote primarily in French. From 1953 to 1962, during the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, Semprún lived clandestinely...
An article by James Pylant. Surnames developed gradually and casually in the Middle Ages, not through a formal or legal system. In a growing population, there was a need to distinguish people with the same common first names within a village or town, and last names came about as a means ...
The word “surname” comes from the Latin familia - family - a hereditary family name, indicating that a person belongs to the same clan, originating from a common ancestor The list of surnames and their meaning (64,664 surnames). The origin and history. Morphology and holidays. Famous and...
Common Irish first names. Irish Names - From Ancient to Modern Meanings and origins of first names. Irish Names and Surnames A scholarly work on Irish names by the Rev. Patrick Woulfe, first published in1921. The book includes more than 3,500 surname entries that provide the origin and mean...
MuST-C- MuST-C currently represents the largest publicly available multilingual corpus (one-to-many) for speech translation. It covers eight language directions, from English to German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Romanian and Russian. The corpus consists of audio, transcriptions an...
Common Voice - Common Voice is an audio dataset that consists of a unique MP3 and corresponding text file. There are 9,283 recorded hours in the dataset. The dataset also includes demographic metadata like age, sex, and accent. The dataset consists of 7,335 validated hours in 60 languages....
A Germanic version of the French name Adeline,Adelyn is based on the Old High German word "adal"meaning "noble." A number of other variations have been used, including more common names like Madelyn and Adele, the latter of which peaked in 1914 but still remained in the top 500 on the...
Origin: French form of Clara Meaning: "bright, clear" Description: Claire, luminous, simple, and strong, is one of those special names that is familiar yet distinctive, feminine but not frilly, combining historical depth with a modern edge. And though Claire is enjoying revived popularity, it...