A JSON list of all the cryptocurrency symbols and names The currency list is aJSON filethat can be used wherever. Install $ npm install --save cryptocurrencies Usage constcryptocurrencies,{symbols}=require('cryptocurrencies');cryptocurrencies.BTC;//=> 'Bitcoin'console.log(symbols);//=> ['42',...
md-svg-vue - Material Design Icons by Google for Vue.js & Nuxt.js (server-side support (with caching), inline svg rendering, official icon names) vue-lang-code-flags - Vue component which shows the flag of the country from which the language comes from vue-zondicons - Vue component for...
You didn't even get 1 Coin stolen! Well, that means I get to have 15 Coins!" Mario Party 2[edit] "Doom, doom, doom, DOOM! Well, well, well! (character's name)! Welcome to Bowser's Space!!! I recommend you try one of my frightening events! I hope you enjoy it! Step right...
games, with Osana's resembling Mario, Nakanaka's resembling Luigi, Tadano's resembling Yoshi, and Komi's resembling Zelda respectively. Even the names of the game's characters sound like their real life counterparts (with the exception of the Zelda-like character), being Najio, Chuny, and Ta...
Let XX be the set of elements on the right side of the bipartition. Let II be the set of subsets of XX s.t. there exists a matching which contains exactly these elements. List of Matroid Intersection problems: SPOJ: Coin Collecting CodeChef: Communicating Servers CodeChef: Faulty System ...
Ramesh Bafna Chief Financial Officer of Coin Switch Justice Satish Chandra Sharma Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court Akash Ambani Chairman of the telecom unit, Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd Isha Ambani Chairman of the Reliance conglomerate’s retail unit Mohammed Jalood President of the International...
Coinbase (Independent Publisher) By: Roy Paar Commercient By: Commercient LLC Companies House (Independent Publisher) By: Matt Collins Company Connect By: InSpark Connect2All By: GAC Business Solutions Connect2All on-premises By: GAC Business Solutions Connective eSignatures By: Connective C...
PredicateFlow - Write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate, allowing you to write flowable NSPredicate, without guessing attribution names, predicate operation or writing wrong arguments type. CloudCore - Robust CloudKit synchronization: offline editing, relationships, shared and public da...
Understanding the Security of Coin-based Voting Governance. [security] Uncovering Impact of Mental Models towards Adoption of Multi-device Crypto-Wallets. [security] Uncle Maker: (Time)Stamping Out The Competition in Ethereum | MyTLDR. [security] TrustBoost: Boosting Trust among Interoperable Block...
Krishna Gopalkrishna Kadekodi Centenarian Philatelist and Coin Collector Satyapriya Mohathero Buddhist leader of Bangladesh Diahann Carroll American Actress, Singer and Model Kadri Gopalnath Legendary Saxophonist and the Padma Shri Awardee Sara Danius First Female head of Nobel’s Literature Award Body Ale...