public List providers() 获取Internet 服务提供商的列表。 Returns: 提供程序值withCityName public AvailableProvidersListCity withCityName(String cityName) 设置城市或城镇名称。 Parameters: cityName - 要设置的 cityName 值 Returns: AvailableProvidersListCity 对象本身。with...
To make it easier to compare pricing across cloud service providers, Oracle web pages show both virtual CPU (vCPU) prices and Oracle CPU (OCPU) prices for products with compute-based pricing. The products themselves, provisioning in the portal, billing, and so on continue to use OCPU units....
Cloudlist:【GitHub传送门】 许可证协议 本项目的开发与发布遵循MIT开源许可证协议。 参考资料 # 云安全 # 云服务 # 云原生安全 本文为 Alpha_h4ck 独立...
Approved indirect providers Approved LSPs Approved AOS-G partners Since the launch ofAzure Government services in the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program), we've worked with the partner community to bring them the benefits of this channel. Our goal is to enable the partner community to resell...
Cloudlist is a tool for listing Assets from multiple cloud providers.Usage:./cloudlist [flags]Flags:CONFIGURATION:-config string cloudlist flag config file (default "$HOME/.config/cloudlist/config.yaml")-pc, -provider-config string provider config file (default "$HOME/.config/cloudlist/provider...
Cloudlist是一款整合了多个云端资源的工具,可以帮助广大研究人员从云服务商那里获取到云端资产的相关信息,比如说主机名称和IP地址等等。该工具主要为蓝队研究人员设计,可以帮助蓝队成员更好地管理和评估云端资产的攻击面,只需很少的配置工作,就可以跨多个云维护一个集中的资产列表。 功能介绍 可轻松列出具有多种配置的...
Gets information about all public IP addresses in a role instance IP configuration in a cloud service.
the consumer subscribes to both the providers whose service names are in the old format and the providers whose service names are in the new format. If the versions of all providers are Dubbo 2.7.6 or later, the providers whose service names are in the old format cannot be registered with...
OSDN - is a free-of-charge service for open-source software developers, offering SVN/Git/Mercurial/Bazaar/CVS repositories.— is a free and open source software code collaboration platform for FOSS-licensed projects, Git-based— Free 1GB Cloud and Git...